Saturday, May 16, 2009

Put A Smile on Your Face...

Make the world a better place! Today was a magnificent day! After being home for almost 3 days now, Josh and I are now seeing things we had truly been missing for the past couple of months. Samantha Grace will cruise around the house "talking" acting like she is caring on a full length conversation with us. (Prior to her diagnosis we were lucky to get a few simple words like Dada and Cat out of her in a single day.)

One of her favorite things to do now is creep up on her daddy when he is lying on the couch sleeping and pull on his nose. As she is creeping up she is just belly rolling with laughter. I have to say the smile on my face is truly making our home a better place!

Today, Samantha Grace was able to enjoy a fun afternoon a shopping and eating out with her godparents! (One word: SPOILED!) I have to send a HUGE thank you for my new cake plate/cover from them too! So I guess that makes us both spoiled! Unfortunately, we are still making up for some dehydration from weeks previous and introduction to new drinks, so her godmother received an unwelcome surprise today during lunch. But we all told her that she wasn't the first or last one to experience this sudden warmness and saturation of clothing. (Josh and I are truly sorry for this one!)

In addition to constant thirst, we are having to treat some low blood sugar levels. One of the ways you do this is by giving her 4 oz. of a sugar-loaded drink like Juicy Juice or Coke. So we have tried to stay somewhat healthy by using Juicy Juice, but unfortunately since she was never introduced to the full blown juice before her diagnosis Samantha Grace has been suffering from what we call the splishy/splashes (aka, diaherra) along with sore bottom. Thanks to the wonderful people at Adams Drugstore (highly recommend) and a container of Resinol I think we are on the mend.

We are still fighting a constant roller coaster of blood sugar levels. So if there would be one prayer request it would be that we would see some form of consistency in the next few days before our next call-in to Birmingham. Unfortunately with Montgomery's warm weather quickly approaching, it will become more difficult for us to regulate. (The warm weather really plays havic with blood sugar, especially in little ones.) Finally, we ask for a transitional prayer. We will be saying goodbye to our beloved pup Allegro this week. We have decided that it is just too much right now for us while trying to be consistent as we can be with Samantha Grace. However, we have found a great home for her and know that she will be loved and cared for more than ever.

Again, we cannot thank our friends and family enough for all their support and prayers! God truly is AWESOME & MIGHTY!

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