Saturday, December 26, 2009

Roller Coasters and Easy Chairs

I know...I know... No relation what-so-ever to the two things in the title, but I bet I have you reading already to see how they do relate. So I won't let the suspense hang any longer...

As many of you know, our family experienced quite a "ride" last weekend with litte Samantha Grace. Well, just when we thought all had come to a calm with her health and the family gathered near, Mommy came down with quite a bug. So all of the Dukes of 3 Bakery came to a complete HAULT for 24 hours (well, actually a little less) only 4 days before Christmas! But many thanks to Mimi and Ray-Ray, we caught right back up in less than 8 hours, making 4 cheesecakes, 3 red velvet cakes, 2 Italian Creme Cakes, 2 dozen cookies, 1 sheet cake and 1 butter cream cake! Needless to say we ALL had visions of sugar plums dancing in our heads on December 22!

Once our roller coaster ride began to come to the end, we enjoyed exchanging gifts with Daddy's side of the family. Pictures below illustrate some of SG's favorites. But none could be happier than dear old Daddy receiving a new GAS powered weed eater from Bobo and Mimi! (The storage shed is even getting a good cleaning to find its new home!)

Now I have to admit that one of SG's favorite gifts this Christmas so far (I say this because we will go see Mommy's family in a few short days.) only cost 99 cents and came from Auntie Ray-Ray and Uncle Jay-Jay. The video below tells it all too well. Mommy and Daddy are not too excited about this song entering our home, but we will take whatever to keep SG happy! ROLL TIDE!!

Following the excitement of Daddy's family being here, we enjoyed much Christmas fun with our Dukes of 3 family. Samantha Grace was enthrawled by the packages once the concept came about and we kept going until every last gift was open and each twist tie was off all the toys. Much excitement was seen when she discovered her new chair (pictured above) that now sits next to Mommy and Daddy's club chair. We have even added a pillow to it upon her request.

After the piles of paper and boxes were compounded, our family enjoyed an impromptu Christmas lunch at a friend's house. Nothing could have been more relaxing and enjoyable. Mommy and our friend's children enjoyed competeing on the newest Bop-it game (very addicting if you are as competitive as Mommmy can be), and SG tried her hardest to keep up with the BIG kids all over the house. She really didn't know what to think...she even tried to help assist Daddy and his friend assemble a new flat screen television (even funnier).

All-in-all we have had an adventure filled Christmas! We are looking forward to Pink Pig Rides in Atlanta and much more fun! (Pictures will come too!) Blessings to all and Happy New Year!

Monday, December 21, 2009

IV's and Pap-Paps

So as most of our readers know, yesterday was quite an eventful day. Following my last update on Samantha Grace's health condition, her Daddy and I made the decision to take her to the ER.

Her temperature had risen to over 105 and her heart was racing accompanied by rapid breathing. Upon arrival to the hospital her heart rate was almost 200 beats per minute and her breathing was over 60 breaths per minute. The doctor's main focus at this point was to lower her heart rate, lower her breaths per minute and to get a larger dose of Tylenol and/or Motrin in her system to try bring the fever down.

In addition, they ran some tests to rule out RSV and neumonia. All of those tests came back negative and clean. Praise the Lord!

Following the Tylenol and a large antibiotic shot (trying to clear the ear canal), her temp had come down to 102; however, her heart was still in the 160 - 180 range with a goal of being 140 accompanied by still 60 breaths per minute. Therefore, Dr.M made the decision to start an IV and run some blood tests. We are so grateful that after 3 hours of fluids things began to improve! Her breathing slowed down to where she was able to rest comfortably for about an hour in my arms. Her temperature lowered to where her body was not in such a state of shock in order to keep all meds down including a full dose of Tamaflu.

Around 8 PM we were discharged from the hospital and brought home a worn out little girl. She was very surprised to have her grandparents (who had planned on coming anyways for the holidays) come visit in the hospital.

Mommy and Daddy are happy to report that she slept fever free until 4:30 AM! This is huge considering the past two nights we were up every 2 - 3 hours with vomitting or just plan restlessness.

Her personality is returning. The only struggles we have now are since the fever is gone and her appetite has not returned her blood sugar levels have been pretty low. We also are battling with the want for her Pap-Pap (pacifier) all day. I think we are just going to try and cut it cold turkey since this would be a good transition time.

We just praise the Lord for amazing doctors, for helping hands and dedicated prayer warriors! We know that God is in control of each and every situation that we may face; therefore, he deserves all glory and honor for providing us with the strength and knowledge to get throug yesterday's trials.

We are now looking forward to spending the holidays with family and friends. SG will be enjoying the view from our home for the next 3 - 4 days to make sure we keep everything under control. Thanks again to everyone and all of your prayers and support!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sunday Mid-Morning Update

Well, I would love to report that things are looking up but at the moment we are still sitting on pins and needles with this flu.

She has vomitted two more times this morning, still unable to even keep water down. We have just gotten word to cease the meds for now until an afternoon report is given and to start her on some "sugary" liquids.

She continues to run a fever between 104 - 105 throughout the morning. Priase the Lord our blood sugar numbers have not done anything too crazy, but we are expecting them to head in an upward direction due to fever and, hopefully, intake of some sugar liquids.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Pig Filled Christmas

This is an update to the posting from previously on Saturday evening. It is now almost 4 AM. Yes, I am up...listening to the steady rhythm of our laundry machine. Samantha Grace has not had a great evening. She has woken every two hours since 8 PM and thrown up every 4 hours. We ask that you keep her in your prayers for now we are truly hitting a wall. She is not able to even keep her liquids down at this point.

We will return to half doses of her medicine in the morning, seeming as the entire dose is too strong which maybe the entire culprit of these 4 hour episodes. However, our biggest worry at this point is two fold:
1. Keeping her hydrated.
2. Her ears seem to bothering her more and more even though it was just her right ear yesterday.

We thank you in advance for all your prayers!


I don't know about your family, but growing up my family ALWAYS had ham for Christmas dinner. It's one of those traditions that I just can't let go. The moment I start to see the commercials for Honey Baked Ham my mouth waters. (Then I am left with lots of ham to come up with some "creative" ways for leftovers besides sandwiches.) There really isn't any other time of the year to which I "crave" ham in any way shape or form. Just not really a ham fan.

This Christmas we will continue the tradition; however, we have added another realm to our Pig Filled Christmas...Swine Flu. Yep, our little Angel has once again filled our Christmas with antibiotics, high fevers and sleepless nights. Mommy has to give her personal testimony of the experience sine Samantha Grace is unable to report at the moment.

This morning Mommy returned from her run to find a very fussy SG. Unable to get her to eat (a very rare thing lately) or drink (extremely rare!), Mommy knew that something was wrong. So after completing a few things for our Bakery, Mommy cuddled with SG while Daddy did some much needed errands for work and the Bakery. During Daddy's outing, SG's fever went from 99 to 104 in less than an hour and was accompanied by vomit. She quickly lost all coloring and became very weak.

At this point, Mommy called Dr.B who gave us our directions for seeing the doc. Dr.W was great today! (We could not have been happier Dr. B! Thanks!)Our little Samantha Grace was definitely not herself because she didn't even have interest in "Nemo" or "Dori" when we were at the doc's office. (It was so sad for Mommy and Daddy.) While at the doc's office we found out that she tested positive for both strand A & B of the flu. She also has fluid starting to build behind her right ear. (How fun!)

Upon returning home SG and Daddy, spent the majority of the afternoon snoozing on the couch. Daddy said he didn't care if he got sick because this precious time was all worth it! Mommy has to agree!

We thought we were on the upswing of recovery for the day until just recently. About an hour ago, SG's fever spiked again to 103.5 and she vomited 2 more times. So fun! So the carpets have been cleaned once again, clothes changed and cuddle time has been enjoyed.

Mommy and Daddy are so thankful, once again, for the things that have not taken place amidst all of this. We are all excited about seeing family tomorrow! And, of course, we are eagerly anticipating seeing Samantha Grace open her gifts (none of which are wrapped yet)!

May you and your families have a blessed Christmas!

"Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things." -Psalm 98:1

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Trails of Ducks and Tears

This past weekend Mommy was able to get away for a few days to enjoy one of her favorite activities...running.

Mommy's running buddies headed north to Tennessee for the St.Jude Marathon. Upon our arrival "Aunt" Kaki and Mommy enjoyed some of the sights and sounds of Memphis, Tennessee, including the amazing 3 minutes of entertainment by the all too famous Peabody Ducks! We enjoyed front row seats for this ultra exciting event. Growing up in Tennessee, Mommy had witnessed this event but it had been over 10 years ago, so she and "Aunt" Kaki, who had never seen the ducks before, were like two kids at Christmas; hence, the numerous pictures below.

Mommy and all of the running gals had a great frigid (29 degrees with a 21 degree windchill factor)run for a wonderful cause. Mommy admitted to tearing up while running through the St. Jude campus realizing how grateful we are for ALL doctors and nurses and for Samantha Grace's life.

Mommy has to admit, though, that her favorite part of the trip was knowing that Daddy and Samantha Grace were having so much fun! She had a great time and her numbers seemed to stay in check while with Daddy. Mommy could not have been happier! :)

However, with good blood sugars usually comes a turn and/or change. As soon as Mommy returned SG started to have heavy congestion (light congestion has been a constant for almost 2 months) and yucky cough began again. Monday morning we realized that yet another sinus infection had set into her system. So needless to say Birmingham, with the roller coaster of numbers, prior to Mommy's trip, during her trip and post trip, has mandated that her diet be under strict supervision since we found that when Mommy prepacked for Daddy that numbers seemed to find some stability.

There ultimate goal is to find some stability with her health and blood sugar levels in order to prevent long term complications with her diabetes and overall health. We are always so thankful for all of the wonderful help that Dr. L has for us. We are already finding by sticking to a strict diet, even with a recovering infection, her numbers are a lot more stable, which makes Mommy and Daddy "sleep" a lot easier.

We are all looking forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus very soon with all our family. Samantha Grace is truly getting into the spirit of Christmas rearranging our Christmas decorations and tree ornaments. She is also enjoying reading Bible stories every night before bed while adding pieces to her nativity calendar as we look forward to Jesus' birth. We pray that you and your family are enjoying the true meaning of Christmas as well!

(Above picture is from first finger painting experience.)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It wasn't me...I promise!

I know we haven't posted any of the super cute pics and/or details from Thanksgiving, but these pictures taken today couldn't wait. I promise this was not staged in any way shape or form...Hope they bring laughter to your day!

If you ever need a bathroom reorganizer I promise her rates are really cheap and she will take good care of all your baby dolls! :)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Keeping It Simple

Dear Family,

I wanted to come up with something creative and fun for this Thanksgiving, but my creative thoughts I believe have all been baked into all the goodies that have been delivered. So in the midst of the middle of the night, my brain fired off this idea. I want to take the word THANKFUL and expound upon it to express my utmost thankfulness for this year.

As we all know this year has been a tremendous amount of ups and downs. My prayer is that you will feel all my true expressions of thankfulness.

T – Trust. I am so grateful for the trust I can put in our Lord no matter the situation. I am also grateful for the trust I have in friends and family through all of the valleys and mountain tops!

H – Helicopters full of helping hands. I truly believe that God laid his magnificent healing hands and gift of wisdom on the doctors and nurses aboard the Children’s Life Flight helicopter to transport our little angel.

A – Adventures. This year has been full of firsts for Samantha Grace. All of which through her precious eyes are grand new adventures. I just can’t explain that with each new adventure I tear up with such joy.

N – Notes. I have always been a HUGE fan of writing hand written notes. I just think that it has such a personal touch that we are slowly losing through our technology age. I thoroughly enjoyed reading all the notes that we received during Samantha Grace’s most difficult days. Those days that the tears came with no explanation, the notes were so uplifting!

K – Kindness. The kindness of friends, families, and strangers has been overwhelming from every angle. I never thought that the past 6 months of our lives would have impacted our family more than ever. I am truly learning about the kindness of a warm smile.

F – Family. I know…I know. It sounds so cheesy. But it is true. I am so thankful not only for my family, but I am also thankful for my heavenly family.

U – Unfortunate Events. This may sound peculiar, but I truly am thankful for all the unfortunate events of our lives. For I am thankful for the things that did not happen through all those events. I am thankful for the doors that these events have opened and closed.

L – Love! The love of our Heavenly Father is ever abounding. The growing and abounding love I have for Joshua and Samantha Grace. And the expanding love of all friends and family.

I know that this may seem quo to many. But these are only a few things that I have wanted to express to friends and family. My ultimate prayer is that you all have a fabulous and thankful Thanksgiving too!


The Dukes of 3
Joshua, Carri, & Samantha Grace

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Blessed Beyond Measure

This morning as I began to write I couldn't even wrap my arms around the facts about how immeasurably bless our family is each and every day. There have been some daily reminders of this through the past few weeks that I would like to share.

Last week, we found out that Mimi, Grandbo and Auntie Ray-Ray would be participating in the Nashville Diabetes walk in honor of Samantha Grace. Below are some picture from their walk. We are so grateful for all the participation to raise money to one day find a cure.

Then a few days later I found out that other family members would be giving all of the United Way donations this year to Juvenile Diabetes in honor of Samantha Grace. I could not have been happier, for never know if one day that money could go towards the ultimate cure.

Just as I thought could not have gotten any better, the Lord continued to shine! As many of you know, we opened our own business (The Dukes of 3 Bakery)this week. We could not be happier with its progress thus far. I am staying busy but at a rate to which I can gradually get my feet per say. Wow! We are blessed!

Lastly, yesterday the Lord opened some doors earlier in the week, which lead to us having the opportunity to share Samantha Grace's story with a local news station. Her story was then beautifully orchestrated and presented last night on the 10 o'clock news. Our prayer is that not only would others become more aware of Juvenile Diabetes but that this story might help bring someone elses child to early detection rather than getting to the state where Samantha Grace had been. As soon as a video is available to post I will do so for those that might have missed it.

Again, I can not express how much the Lord is bestowing his blessings upon our family. I fully believe that when we remain faithful through words, acts, and prayer that he is faithful in return too!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

6 Months

It is hard to believe but today we marked the 6th month since Samantha Grace's diagnosis with Type I diabetes.

Today I could not have heard two more fitting bench mark sermons. Once was about Jesus going to the pool at Bethesda and healing a man that had been sitting by the pool for over 38 years in hopes of being healed by these "miracle" waters. The second sermon I heard today was on Philippians 3:1-14.

This is a scripture passage that I visit frequently; however, tonight it sunk in with a totally new depth in my heart. Especially the all too familiar portion in verses 13 - 14:

Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

This scripture brought an incredible peace to my heart knowing that one of the "goals" in heaven will be a life without diabetes...or any childhood illness for that matter.

I also have to mention that when I am came home from church, I had a very touching e-mail from a friend in Birmingham whose daughter is battling cancer. Her daughter is only 3 years old. (I will be running the St. Jude Marathon in December in her honor.) So while Samantha Grace may have diabetes, our hearts ache as a family for our precious little friend.

Samantha Grace is growing so fast before our eyes! She is all girl and taking on more of a 2-year-old personality every day.

Medical update: SG is continuing to experience a roller coaster of blood sugar levels. Daddy and I have come the conclusion that we will continue to see this wave of numbers until she reaches some leveling in growth hormones and other changes that take effect during the young years.

She is finally showing some signs of getting over a sinus infection that has been lingering on for almost 4 weeks. We will finish our antibiotics in a few days!

SG is doing remarkably well with breaking of the pacifier habit. She has stopped asking for it during the day. The only time she BOLTS for the refrigerator (that's where we keep them to soothe any teething gums) is for nap or bedtime.

Overall, the Lord has been good in helping us understand what is best for Samantha Grace. She has been able to stay out of a doctor's office (except for the endocrinology appointments) for illness and/or emergencies for almost 3 weeks! We look forward to adding more weeks to our healthy days in the future.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Grand Opening

Joshua and I would like to announce we are taking a HUGE leap in the midst of the tough economic times. But as we live by each day...NOTHING is impossible without God!

We would like to announce the grand opening of our new business. We have decided to open a home and mail delivery bakery called The Dukes of 3 Bakery.

We felt the name was very fitting since it has become somewhat of our "Code Name" since Samantha Grace's diagnosis. I am offering a free dozen of cookies, of your choice, for the first 10 orders placed. All you have to do is once you order, I will e-mail you to tell you that you have "won" a dozen cookies. Then you can reply to that e-mail with your choice of cookie type.

We also ask for you to feel free to pass along this information to any friend or family member because our best form of advertisement at this point is via word of mouth.

Don't forget Christmas is just around the corner. The items we are selling make great gifts for around the office, school or for your next Christmas gathering.

Baking Spirits,


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful tulip fairy who wanted to make everyone in America aware about Type I Diabetes during National Diabetes Awareness month.

She wants everyone to know that she is not alone...that there will be over 40 children diagnosed per day will join her this year alone totaling over 15,000 children.

She also, along with her Mommy and Daddy, want everyone to know that our biggest prayer each and every day is for a cure.

Finally, our fairy tale Tulip Fairy would like you to consider supporting JDRF.

One day our Tulip Fair knows that there will be a Happily Every After Ending to this fairy tale ending.


Side Note: So Mommy let Samantha Grace get ahold of the post today. She told me that she was just going to post her adorable pictures from our Fall Festival at church. Mommy does have to agree with all the opinions and facts that our "Tulip Fairy" provided. She would have to encourage everyone to support JDRF sometime over the next year. You can even purchase your Christmas cards from the JDRF website.

Samantha Grace has been having some ups and downs over the last few days. We are now on our 2nd antibiotic to get over a sinus infection. We are seeing improvements with the antibiotics and a new nasal spray (thanks to a sweet friend at school for the advice). She is, however, not showing any signs of slowing down.

This week she so proudly went down the "Big Girl" slide all by herself and laughed with much excitement all the way to the bottom. She proudly sat in "class" as the Pre-K4's "taught" her during late room at school. It was a priceless picture! She also enjoyed teaching music with Mommy on Tuesday morning. She liked to tell the children that they were not to play with the toys in her classroom but to line up for their teacher. Obviously all in her own way of talking. Quite hilarious.

Mommy and Daddy have been working on following directions the first time with SG. We have to report proudly that she is doing awesome thus far. We have to confess that we have been using mini M&M's as a reward along with dances of praises. SG responds with clapping and her own dancing too!

Mommy and Daddy are thoroughly enjoying watching our little angel grow more and more every day! It's hard to believe that over a year and half has gone by thus far. Time does fly when you are having fun!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

So Here We Are

So I realize that I have not posted in quite some time. I have just recently left a popular social network to enter full force into my blogging world. Mommy and Daddy felt that the best way to catch-up all friends and family on the past few weeks and/or even months of Samantha Grace's adventures would be through a visual representation. So enjoy! (All comments and/or questions are more than welcome!)

Enjoying the indoor pool at the beach in October!

Reading the Bible before bed.

Picnic in the backyard!

Cheering on the Montgomery Biscuits on Diabetes Night!

Samantha Grace's 1st Braves Game!

1st Pony Ride as a Tulip Fairy at the Fall Festival.

Mommy & Samantha Grace pausing from taking Christmas Card pictures at the beach!
(Yes! It was cold...45 and below in October!)

Playing in one of my facorite toys...a box!

Hanging out with Daddy after a long day in the ER with high blood sugars!

Leaving footprints in the sand.

Playing in shaving creme!

Does it look like SG had fun or what?!

Watching Samantha Grace's ducks.

Our pumpking on Halloween Night.

SG making sure we didn't leave any of the "yuckies" inside.

We hope that you all enjoyed our adventures of late. Samantha Grace is adjusting to her Pinkie (the pump) very well. We are still trying to attain some form of stabilization. We thank each and every one of your for all your prayers and support.

On a final note, as we approach November 1 our family would like to make you aware that November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. We would love to have any and all of your support for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation in hopes of one day finding a cure for this disease.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Eagle Has Landed

Alright...a NASA space shuttle has not landed in our back yard but it might as well have landed there. This week has been a week of celebrations in our house.

On Tuesday, we packed the car for a full day of learning at Children's Hospital. We were making our journey towards pump insertion. We have to admit from a Mommy and Daddy point of view that after our first class we felt numb. We looked at each other and thought, "I feel like a kid trying to learn how to ride a bike all over again." We knew that there would be falls, scraps and bruises along the way as we learned all these new formulas, buttons, and methods of keeping Samantha Grace's blood glucose levels in check.

Towards the end of the class, we were able to insert the pump (which is much like an IV line) into SG. Mommy was overjoyed, for she was the one to draw the short straw, that SG did not cry when the inset (site where the line is inserted into her little body) was place on her bottom. Samantha Grace, we have to say, had had a wonderful time playing with Mary Austin while Mommy and Daddy were learning which helped in the overall "trauma" set-up. Following her pump being inserted (with only saline this week), we all enjoyed a peaceful ride home with a sleeping baby.

Wednesday proved to be the first bump in the road. SG woke up very fussy. (Side Note: She is not a morning person at all.) So Mommy attributed it to being sleepy, adjusting to the pump, and possibly teething. So being the "responsible" parents, Mommy and Daddy decided to begin the pain prevention process with a little Motrin. Well...

After a huge struggle to get her to eat breakfast, which ended up consisting more of candy corn that anything nutritious since that is all I could get her to eat, I found her blood sugar to be going off the charts (406) just before lunch time at school. We later discovered that she was running a 101 temp. So off to nap time we went with another dose of Motrin.

Following nap, Mommy thought all was well because Samantha Grace woke up sweaty and seemed to be "back to normal" personality wise. However, we soon found her back into a state of crabbiness, magnetism (attached to Mommy's side), and a temp up to 103. At this point in our journey, we now visit the doc. All tests came back negative so we were diagnosed with a fever virus. (Side Note: She was also have difficulties using the restroom.)

We continued the overlapping of fever meds through the night along with elevated blood sugars. (When diabetics run fevers they tend to run high.) She woke-up this morning with a semi-high blood sugar level, but the fever seemed to have subsided. However, as I now write, the fever has returned and we are trying some new remedies to get her digestive system back in order.

Mommy and Daddy ask that you pray for little SG. She is in quite a bit of pain due to the digestive problems. Also pray for the fever to break soon because the fever is using up the liquids we are trying to get down her which doesn't help the other problem. We thank you for all your prayers and support.

P.S. She is doing great so far with the pump. Doesn't really understand the whole thing yet.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

You Are Approved!

Many of us on a weekly, if not daily basis, receive stacks of credit card mailings or even phone calls notifying us that we have been approved for an amazing, beautiful and "free" credit card. This week we received many of those mailings and several of those polite offers; however, we so graciously turned each of these offers away with a polite, "No thank you," or a trip down shredder lane. Yet on the upside we did receive an offer this week that one, at least in our household, could not turn away...

We found out this past Wednesday that Samantha Grace had been approved to receive her insulin pump by the insurance company. I might add that this was completed after all the paperwork was complete and a doctor's visit made in what our case worker for Blue Cross stated,"Record time!" Less than one month has passed since our doctor's visit and only 4 days had passed since the receipt of the paper work to our insurance company. I have to say that a lot of this would not have happened without some God-sent angels to help us along the way with Blue Cross Insurance.

After getting the wonderful approval phone call, we set-up for the delivery of the pump, which will be next Wednesday. Following the delivery, we will set-up several Birmingham appointments to get her actually on the pump. We will also, at this point, make an appointment to see a pediatric eye doctor for precautionary measures that were stated in a previous posting.

We could not be more joyous over this fabulous news! The Lord provided at a time of much need, for Samantha Grace has had quite a week with her blood sugar levels running in the high range for a good portion of the week.

We covet all of your prayers as we journey through these next few phases. We also ask that you pray as Mommy and Samantha Grace travel to meet with one of our Congressman as an advocate for Juvenile Diabetes on Monday, September 28. Thank you again for all the prayers. Our God is so good!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

4 Month Update Full of Artistic Ability

Yesterday we marked some major milestones in our lives…Samantha Grace turned 17 months old yesterday. We also marked just over the 4 month mark of her Type I Diabetes diagnosis. Finally, the biggest news of all is that Samantha Grace’s A1C level (a level that marks, basically, whether or not a person’s blood sugar levels has been somewhat in “normal” range) has drastically changed for the better. We have moved from a score of over 11 down to a score 7.8!

Mommy was moved to tears at Samantha Grace’s doctor’s appointment. Her doctor was extremely moved as well. We all had a “group hug” moment to celebrate. SG has also grown almost 3 inches since her diagnosis. This is great! Dr. L, the bestest endocrinologist, was very impressed by SG’s new looks!

Dr. L gave Mommy and Daddy a HUGE round of applause for their hard work, lost sleep and unending love to helping Samantha Grace be as healthy as can be with diabetes. He said that without our dedication her A1C levels would not have changed this drastically in just 4 months.

On a more prayerful note…there were some concerns that Dr. L still had about SG. 1) Dr. L is still a little concerned about her weight gaining process. She has not gained any more weight in the past 1 ½ months. (I keep telling myself that she is just growing taller and leveling out in weight for a time.)
2) There are also some concerns about her depth perception abilities. She tends to struggle perceiving the depth of steps and has to “feel” her way a lot of times. Therefore, Dr. L has suggested that we see a pediatric ophthalmologist. It is possible that prior to her diagnosis that her sight might have been affected from drastic fluctuations in blood sugars.

Dr. L also gave us some awesome tips to help with the “stresses” that could be causing such fluctuations in blood sugar levels while at school.

Finally, we should have an insulin pump in our precious hands in less than 2 weeks! Once we get the pump in our hands, we will be setting up classes in Birmingham followed by some back-to-back doctor’s appointments in Birmingham. But as Dr. L put it today, “It will ALL be definitely worth it!”

On a lighter note…We were also able to enjoy some “Girl Time” while in Birmingham. Samantha Grace enjoyed playing dolls at Pottery Barn for Kids and entertaining all the employees while Mommy and Godmommy “shopped” for big girl bedding in the future. We later met up with Mary Austin for a scrumptious bite to eat. We all couldn’t decide if SG was more interested in eating or flirting with the waiters (quite a distraction). SG was also privileged enough to have the mayor of Birmingham hold the door for her on her way out of the restaurant. (Honestly, Mommy nor SG would have known it was him if Godmommy hadn’t pointed it out.)

Overall, today has been an awesome day! We could not be happier with SG’s progress. We do ask that you pray about the two concerns that were previously mentioned. We should be seeing an eye doctor around, hopefully, the same time we go for pump education classes. Thank you in advance for all your prayers and support!

P.S. Samantha Grace decided today to express her true inner artist by painting our hardwood floor, tile, kitchen and herself golden yellow. Following her painting activities, she explored the musical side of her artistic abilities at Kindermusik.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Roller Coasters, Nursing Homes, Kisses and More

Alright to all my faithful followers, I send my deepest apologies for the lack of writing over the past few weeks. Our life has been on a bit of a roller coaster ride from every angle.

I will start with the most important update...SAMANTHA GRACE.
I have to say that these past few weeks she has been at the front of the roller coaster ride. We and her doctors are at a loss for what her body might be going through besides the normal things that 1-year-olds go through. We have experienced some of our lowest lows and highest highs in quite some time since diagnosis. Unfortunately, last week we also experienced one of our first at-home-scares. SG had a "Degree 2" seizure. (This type is one where the patient is unresponsive to one's name being called and stares with glassy eyes into space, much like day dreaming but unresponsive.)I was so thankful that her preschool teachers noticed a change in her demeanor and came and got me immediately.

The mystery of the seizure is that it occurred when she was overly high (472) not low, which is usually when one occurs. This is one of many mysteries to her endocrinologist. In addition to the occurrence of the seizure, Dr. L doesn't know why we can't get somewhat of a leveling or consistency to her Blood Glucose levels. In less than a 24 hour period her readings were 223, 411, 412, 107 & 82. This has been her story for over 5 days.

We are still waiting to hear from our Insulin Pump rep. in Birmingham to see if we are going to get the pump without a "fight". The good news that I owe a HUGE thanks to a wonderful church member is that our "special" insulin will now be able to be filled here in Montgomery! PRAISE THE LORD!!!

On a much lighter note...Samantha Grace has had quite a few new life adventures. She has now joined the in-home ministry visiting team. She went to Wesley Gardens with her Godmother and Aunt Phyllis becoming quite the hit with all the people there distributing kisses to all of the residents. Mr. Harwell, a church member, drew a picture of a puppy for SG. They had quite the fun-filled day enjoying a nice lunch at Panera afterward followed by an elongated nap.

SG has also officially started preschool! She is enjoying the playtime with other children and all the wonderful attention that her fabulous teachers give her. I am enjoying being able to witness all her interactions (I am the assistant director at the school.) as well as the fantastic naps when we get home!

We have enjoyed traveling to a variety of destinations as of lately for some quality family time. SG experienced her first Montgomery Biscuits game this week supporting Juvenile Diabetes all the while. We are looking forward to visiting Ama and Papa this week to celebrate Papa's 60th birthday! SG will be able to see a HUGE baseball stadium this week and her first Atlanta Braves game as well!

As a family, we continue to thank our Lord for so many of you that have and still are praying for us. As you can see by this entry, just when things appear to be stabilizing we are thrown another curve ball. Our continual prayer request is for stability. Along with that we are still praying for the decision makers of BCBS of Alabama that they would see our need for the pump. Finally, we ask that you would pray that the Lord would pour large amounts of wisdom in some medical and other decisions that will have to be made in the near future.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Votes are Needed

We all could use a little extra cash in our pockets these days right?! Well, my sister and brother-in-law have found the perfect way. They recently went to Panama City on vacation and, as we all do on vacation, took several pictures. After returning home they found out about a contest with their local newspaper, The Tennessean, and their photo has been picked as one of the top 20 photos. Now it is up to the readers to vote on the top picture. Right now they are in 2nd place so that is where you come into play! Click on this link and vote for picture number 6. If they win, they will take home that extra cash. (I am hoping a get a little split for publicizing all of this Justin and Rachel! HA! HA!)

I will post a little later today about other things going on in our little world. Have a great day!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Heavy Hearts

Dear Friends and Family:

Joshua and I come to you this Lord's Day with heavy hearts. We found out just before bed last night that a dear couple in our Sunday School class lost their twin girls during birth. The couples names are Ashley and Barrett. Our entire class is deeply saddened by this loss. Joshua and I found ourselves unable to sleep last night not knowing how to best minister to and pray for this couple.

For we know what it is like to sit at the feet of Jesus and pray that he spare the life of our child, but this is a loss that has deeply impacted us. We found ourselves drying tears during church as our pastor beautifully intertwined their story into his sermon about going through the storms in life.

I write to ask for your prayers. This is a couple that will need deep prayer even weeks, months and years from now. I thank you in advance for all of your prayers. Also, if you feel compelled to give to this family in the manner our Sunday School class has chosen via monetary gifts to purchase frozen meals for the future, please contact me via e-mail.

In His footsteps,

Thursday, August 6, 2009

THE Pump and Magic White Sauce

So I have been composing this update for four days now, but it has yet to be "penned" onto the actual blog site from my head. I have to give all credit to Daddy for coming up with the title for this entry. It came to him over our weekend trip to Grandbo and Mimi's house with the events that took place. Details later...

For so many who have asked either in passing, on the phone, at church, etc. for a medical update it goes a little something like this...Samantha Grace is doing fabulous! She has now been sickness free (minus our current yeast infection due to the antibiotics we just came off of a few weeks back)for almost 2 1/2 weeks! Mommy cannot express how relieved she is not to be using the nose syringe, not giving insurmountable doses of Tylenol/Motrin, not purchasing or giving antibiotics, steroids, and, most of all, not giving an extreme number of extra shots every day!

(Being a typical toddler enjoying...OREOS!)

SG's blood sugar numbers are still unstable; however, as we have explained before this is to be expected with a toddler. For example, last night she played non-stop over at her Godmother's house from 3:00 - 8:30. Therefore, she had a low blood sugar reading prior to bed, but no sweat, especially for Samantha Grace because this means she gets to go to her "special" drawer in the fridge and pick out a mini Juicy Juice box. (This is one of her favorites! And she can drink out of the juice box all by herself. One shall not try to help her because she is Miss Independent!)

The exciting news in her medical world is that she is in the working process of getting an insulin pump. Which means her set eating schedule will be no more. (Can I get a HUGE AMEN!?) However, it does mean that our trips to Birmingham Children's will be more frequent for the next few months for check-ups and more education classes. A LARGE prayer request right now is that the insurance company will approve her for the pump despite only being on the shots for 3 months. We should know something in 2 -3 weeks. If we don't get approved right now then we will wait until November (our 6 month mark) which still is not bad. We are just excited to reduce her injections, not blood sugar testings, to only 2 or 3 a week from 30+ per week. The other good news is that once we pay for the pump (our copay) then all of her equipment will be completely covered by insurance no more out of pocket expenses!

(She thought it was funny that she got OREO in her hair!)

Now onto Life news...
Since my last entry, we ventured to Nashville for a quick weekend get-a-way. We were able to spend time with Mimi and Grandbo. We also visited Daddy's grandparents who will be celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary later this month, which we weren't going to be able to attend due to prior engagements at home.

We discovered, over the past few weeks, that one of the best ways to insure that SG will eat is to have something to dip her food into (i.e., ketchup, mustard, etc.). Well, since ketchup is pretty high on the sugar count, I explored and found that sour cream was really low on the carbs (1g per 2 tablespoons for those of you who are interested). Well, lets just say we now refer to sour cream at our house as the "magic white sauce". She loves to not only dip her food into sour cream but to eat it by the hand fulls. Hence, this week she was eating a cheese quesadilla and dipping it into her sour cream in Daddy's office. I turned my back to talk to Mr.Chip and Daddy, turned around, and found Samantha Grace's entire hand digging out a scoop of sour cream! Pictures below tell all...

She also enjoys applesauce and sugar free syrup as her dipping sauces. She also knows how to say the word "dip" and will say it as she is dipping her food. Quite hysterical!

This week we also found out that our sweet friend Ruthie Grace was going to be having some surgery. (She is only 2 months old.) We were quite shocked but we also knew that this surgery was probably going to have to come sooner or later. I am glad to report that she made it well through surgery. And after talking to her Mommy this morning (Dr.M), she is doing great. She woke up about 11 PM last night talking up a storm. They are actually on their way home from Birmingham as I am currently writing my fingers raw. (Whew! What a week off of the blog will do to you?!)

We also found out that Ruthie Grace will not have to have hip surgery. She has hip dysplasia and has been wearing a harness to help "heal" it; however, if the harness did not work its magic surgery was going to have to be the next option. But this is a HUGE praise that the harness was once again proven faithful. (We have another friend whose baby wore the harness as well and it worked wonders too!) HUGE praise this week!

I close this week asking, again, for prayers for Samantha Grace's continual good health. Also, that the health insurance company would see the need for SG's pump and approve it without any hesitations. I ask, in advance, for a smooth transitions as we experience some new changes with medical and other needs. Lastly, I ask for prayer for Ruthie Grace's healing process. It might be a long road but it is definitely one that God is in complete control of every minute.