Saturday, December 26, 2009

Roller Coasters and Easy Chairs

I know...I know... No relation what-so-ever to the two things in the title, but I bet I have you reading already to see how they do relate. So I won't let the suspense hang any longer...

As many of you know, our family experienced quite a "ride" last weekend with litte Samantha Grace. Well, just when we thought all had come to a calm with her health and the family gathered near, Mommy came down with quite a bug. So all of the Dukes of 3 Bakery came to a complete HAULT for 24 hours (well, actually a little less) only 4 days before Christmas! But many thanks to Mimi and Ray-Ray, we caught right back up in less than 8 hours, making 4 cheesecakes, 3 red velvet cakes, 2 Italian Creme Cakes, 2 dozen cookies, 1 sheet cake and 1 butter cream cake! Needless to say we ALL had visions of sugar plums dancing in our heads on December 22!

Once our roller coaster ride began to come to the end, we enjoyed exchanging gifts with Daddy's side of the family. Pictures below illustrate some of SG's favorites. But none could be happier than dear old Daddy receiving a new GAS powered weed eater from Bobo and Mimi! (The storage shed is even getting a good cleaning to find its new home!)

Now I have to admit that one of SG's favorite gifts this Christmas so far (I say this because we will go see Mommy's family in a few short days.) only cost 99 cents and came from Auntie Ray-Ray and Uncle Jay-Jay. The video below tells it all too well. Mommy and Daddy are not too excited about this song entering our home, but we will take whatever to keep SG happy! ROLL TIDE!!

Following the excitement of Daddy's family being here, we enjoyed much Christmas fun with our Dukes of 3 family. Samantha Grace was enthrawled by the packages once the concept came about and we kept going until every last gift was open and each twist tie was off all the toys. Much excitement was seen when she discovered her new chair (pictured above) that now sits next to Mommy and Daddy's club chair. We have even added a pillow to it upon her request.

After the piles of paper and boxes were compounded, our family enjoyed an impromptu Christmas lunch at a friend's house. Nothing could have been more relaxing and enjoyable. Mommy and our friend's children enjoyed competeing on the newest Bop-it game (very addicting if you are as competitive as Mommmy can be), and SG tried her hardest to keep up with the BIG kids all over the house. She really didn't know what to think...she even tried to help assist Daddy and his friend assemble a new flat screen television (even funnier).

All-in-all we have had an adventure filled Christmas! We are looking forward to Pink Pig Rides in Atlanta and much more fun! (Pictures will come too!) Blessings to all and Happy New Year!

Monday, December 21, 2009

IV's and Pap-Paps

So as most of our readers know, yesterday was quite an eventful day. Following my last update on Samantha Grace's health condition, her Daddy and I made the decision to take her to the ER.

Her temperature had risen to over 105 and her heart was racing accompanied by rapid breathing. Upon arrival to the hospital her heart rate was almost 200 beats per minute and her breathing was over 60 breaths per minute. The doctor's main focus at this point was to lower her heart rate, lower her breaths per minute and to get a larger dose of Tylenol and/or Motrin in her system to try bring the fever down.

In addition, they ran some tests to rule out RSV and neumonia. All of those tests came back negative and clean. Praise the Lord!

Following the Tylenol and a large antibiotic shot (trying to clear the ear canal), her temp had come down to 102; however, her heart was still in the 160 - 180 range with a goal of being 140 accompanied by still 60 breaths per minute. Therefore, Dr.M made the decision to start an IV and run some blood tests. We are so grateful that after 3 hours of fluids things began to improve! Her breathing slowed down to where she was able to rest comfortably for about an hour in my arms. Her temperature lowered to where her body was not in such a state of shock in order to keep all meds down including a full dose of Tamaflu.

Around 8 PM we were discharged from the hospital and brought home a worn out little girl. She was very surprised to have her grandparents (who had planned on coming anyways for the holidays) come visit in the hospital.

Mommy and Daddy are happy to report that she slept fever free until 4:30 AM! This is huge considering the past two nights we were up every 2 - 3 hours with vomitting or just plan restlessness.

Her personality is returning. The only struggles we have now are since the fever is gone and her appetite has not returned her blood sugar levels have been pretty low. We also are battling with the want for her Pap-Pap (pacifier) all day. I think we are just going to try and cut it cold turkey since this would be a good transition time.

We just praise the Lord for amazing doctors, for helping hands and dedicated prayer warriors! We know that God is in control of each and every situation that we may face; therefore, he deserves all glory and honor for providing us with the strength and knowledge to get throug yesterday's trials.

We are now looking forward to spending the holidays with family and friends. SG will be enjoying the view from our home for the next 3 - 4 days to make sure we keep everything under control. Thanks again to everyone and all of your prayers and support!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sunday Mid-Morning Update

Well, I would love to report that things are looking up but at the moment we are still sitting on pins and needles with this flu.

She has vomitted two more times this morning, still unable to even keep water down. We have just gotten word to cease the meds for now until an afternoon report is given and to start her on some "sugary" liquids.

She continues to run a fever between 104 - 105 throughout the morning. Priase the Lord our blood sugar numbers have not done anything too crazy, but we are expecting them to head in an upward direction due to fever and, hopefully, intake of some sugar liquids.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Pig Filled Christmas

This is an update to the posting from previously on Saturday evening. It is now almost 4 AM. Yes, I am up...listening to the steady rhythm of our laundry machine. Samantha Grace has not had a great evening. She has woken every two hours since 8 PM and thrown up every 4 hours. We ask that you keep her in your prayers for now we are truly hitting a wall. She is not able to even keep her liquids down at this point.

We will return to half doses of her medicine in the morning, seeming as the entire dose is too strong which maybe the entire culprit of these 4 hour episodes. However, our biggest worry at this point is two fold:
1. Keeping her hydrated.
2. Her ears seem to bothering her more and more even though it was just her right ear yesterday.

We thank you in advance for all your prayers!


I don't know about your family, but growing up my family ALWAYS had ham for Christmas dinner. It's one of those traditions that I just can't let go. The moment I start to see the commercials for Honey Baked Ham my mouth waters. (Then I am left with lots of ham to come up with some "creative" ways for leftovers besides sandwiches.) There really isn't any other time of the year to which I "crave" ham in any way shape or form. Just not really a ham fan.

This Christmas we will continue the tradition; however, we have added another realm to our Pig Filled Christmas...Swine Flu. Yep, our little Angel has once again filled our Christmas with antibiotics, high fevers and sleepless nights. Mommy has to give her personal testimony of the experience sine Samantha Grace is unable to report at the moment.

This morning Mommy returned from her run to find a very fussy SG. Unable to get her to eat (a very rare thing lately) or drink (extremely rare!), Mommy knew that something was wrong. So after completing a few things for our Bakery, Mommy cuddled with SG while Daddy did some much needed errands for work and the Bakery. During Daddy's outing, SG's fever went from 99 to 104 in less than an hour and was accompanied by vomit. She quickly lost all coloring and became very weak.

At this point, Mommy called Dr.B who gave us our directions for seeing the doc. Dr.W was great today! (We could not have been happier Dr. B! Thanks!)Our little Samantha Grace was definitely not herself because she didn't even have interest in "Nemo" or "Dori" when we were at the doc's office. (It was so sad for Mommy and Daddy.) While at the doc's office we found out that she tested positive for both strand A & B of the flu. She also has fluid starting to build behind her right ear. (How fun!)

Upon returning home SG and Daddy, spent the majority of the afternoon snoozing on the couch. Daddy said he didn't care if he got sick because this precious time was all worth it! Mommy has to agree!

We thought we were on the upswing of recovery for the day until just recently. About an hour ago, SG's fever spiked again to 103.5 and she vomited 2 more times. So fun! So the carpets have been cleaned once again, clothes changed and cuddle time has been enjoyed.

Mommy and Daddy are so thankful, once again, for the things that have not taken place amidst all of this. We are all excited about seeing family tomorrow! And, of course, we are eagerly anticipating seeing Samantha Grace open her gifts (none of which are wrapped yet)!

May you and your families have a blessed Christmas!

"Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things." -Psalm 98:1

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Trails of Ducks and Tears

This past weekend Mommy was able to get away for a few days to enjoy one of her favorite activities...running.

Mommy's running buddies headed north to Tennessee for the St.Jude Marathon. Upon our arrival "Aunt" Kaki and Mommy enjoyed some of the sights and sounds of Memphis, Tennessee, including the amazing 3 minutes of entertainment by the all too famous Peabody Ducks! We enjoyed front row seats for this ultra exciting event. Growing up in Tennessee, Mommy had witnessed this event but it had been over 10 years ago, so she and "Aunt" Kaki, who had never seen the ducks before, were like two kids at Christmas; hence, the numerous pictures below.

Mommy and all of the running gals had a great frigid (29 degrees with a 21 degree windchill factor)run for a wonderful cause. Mommy admitted to tearing up while running through the St. Jude campus realizing how grateful we are for ALL doctors and nurses and for Samantha Grace's life.

Mommy has to admit, though, that her favorite part of the trip was knowing that Daddy and Samantha Grace were having so much fun! She had a great time and her numbers seemed to stay in check while with Daddy. Mommy could not have been happier! :)

However, with good blood sugars usually comes a turn and/or change. As soon as Mommy returned SG started to have heavy congestion (light congestion has been a constant for almost 2 months) and yucky cough began again. Monday morning we realized that yet another sinus infection had set into her system. So needless to say Birmingham, with the roller coaster of numbers, prior to Mommy's trip, during her trip and post trip, has mandated that her diet be under strict supervision since we found that when Mommy prepacked for Daddy that numbers seemed to find some stability.

There ultimate goal is to find some stability with her health and blood sugar levels in order to prevent long term complications with her diabetes and overall health. We are always so thankful for all of the wonderful help that Dr. L has for us. We are already finding by sticking to a strict diet, even with a recovering infection, her numbers are a lot more stable, which makes Mommy and Daddy "sleep" a lot easier.

We are all looking forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus very soon with all our family. Samantha Grace is truly getting into the spirit of Christmas rearranging our Christmas decorations and tree ornaments. She is also enjoying reading Bible stories every night before bed while adding pieces to her nativity calendar as we look forward to Jesus' birth. We pray that you and your family are enjoying the true meaning of Christmas as well!

(Above picture is from first finger painting experience.)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It wasn't me...I promise!

I know we haven't posted any of the super cute pics and/or details from Thanksgiving, but these pictures taken today couldn't wait. I promise this was not staged in any way shape or form...Hope they bring laughter to your day!

If you ever need a bathroom reorganizer I promise her rates are really cheap and she will take good care of all your baby dolls! :)