Monday, December 21, 2009

IV's and Pap-Paps

So as most of our readers know, yesterday was quite an eventful day. Following my last update on Samantha Grace's health condition, her Daddy and I made the decision to take her to the ER.

Her temperature had risen to over 105 and her heart was racing accompanied by rapid breathing. Upon arrival to the hospital her heart rate was almost 200 beats per minute and her breathing was over 60 breaths per minute. The doctor's main focus at this point was to lower her heart rate, lower her breaths per minute and to get a larger dose of Tylenol and/or Motrin in her system to try bring the fever down.

In addition, they ran some tests to rule out RSV and neumonia. All of those tests came back negative and clean. Praise the Lord!

Following the Tylenol and a large antibiotic shot (trying to clear the ear canal), her temp had come down to 102; however, her heart was still in the 160 - 180 range with a goal of being 140 accompanied by still 60 breaths per minute. Therefore, Dr.M made the decision to start an IV and run some blood tests. We are so grateful that after 3 hours of fluids things began to improve! Her breathing slowed down to where she was able to rest comfortably for about an hour in my arms. Her temperature lowered to where her body was not in such a state of shock in order to keep all meds down including a full dose of Tamaflu.

Around 8 PM we were discharged from the hospital and brought home a worn out little girl. She was very surprised to have her grandparents (who had planned on coming anyways for the holidays) come visit in the hospital.

Mommy and Daddy are happy to report that she slept fever free until 4:30 AM! This is huge considering the past two nights we were up every 2 - 3 hours with vomitting or just plan restlessness.

Her personality is returning. The only struggles we have now are since the fever is gone and her appetite has not returned her blood sugar levels have been pretty low. We also are battling with the want for her Pap-Pap (pacifier) all day. I think we are just going to try and cut it cold turkey since this would be a good transition time.

We just praise the Lord for amazing doctors, for helping hands and dedicated prayer warriors! We know that God is in control of each and every situation that we may face; therefore, he deserves all glory and honor for providing us with the strength and knowledge to get throug yesterday's trials.

We are now looking forward to spending the holidays with family and friends. SG will be enjoying the view from our home for the next 3 - 4 days to make sure we keep everything under control. Thanks again to everyone and all of your prayers and support!


  1. I'm so glad to hear that your little girl is doing better! We have been praying for all of you!

  2. Praying for you all, Carri! I hope she will continue to feel better soon! Few things are harder than having a sick child. We will continue praying! Love, Summer

  3. Samantha Grace,
    We were very concerned about you. You are a special little girl with extraordinary parents and church family. We are so glad you are better and hope you get stronger and stronger. May God bless you with a big appetite before this day is done.
    Tanya B.

  4. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!! So glad SG is much better. We love you all. Merry Christmas. Al & Susan Smith
