Monday, May 25, 2009


O.k. just to clarify any misconceptions before you finish reading this entry it has nothing to do with Josh or me. It actually all pertains to Samantha Grace. As most of you know, the past 5 days we have spent with at least one set of grandparents; therefore, we have officially diagnosed Samantha Grace with a condition our friends commonly call...The Grandparent Hangover.

Many of you might have experienced this condition a time or two before. Some of the symptoms consist of the following:
1) Inability to play with toys alone
2) A whine in the car expecting an immediate reaction/response
3) Continually wanting to be held/fed
4) A persistent smile knowing that a camera flash should be taking place sometime soon.

I have to say we thoroughly enjoyed spending time with both of our families over the past few days. Josh and I enjoyed the free baby entertainment so we could get caught up on some house work that had slacked off during our time at Children's. It was also nice to see Samantha Grace interact with family with such ease and "skill".

Samantha Grace has had an exceptional 5 days health wise. The only thing getting in our way at the present time are 3 teeth trying to cut through. They have given us some scares in the night with some persistent crying that can be easily confused with cries associated with elevated blood sugar levels. This has been the hardest thing for Josh and I to discern and explain to "outsiders". Having a child who is unable to communicate her true feelings with words and only with a cry is very frustrating to her parents. It is at these times that I look to heaven and continually ask for guidance and a renewal of my physical and mental strength.

Tomorrow I will be calling in her blood sugar levels, so I ask, also, for wisdom for the doctors and nurses as they once again re-visit her case. This is when we will make any adjustments to some if not all insulins and dietary requirements. Our prayer is to remain the same since it seems to be staying consistent.

Again, thank you to everyone who has been praying for us! This is a LONG road but we know that we can face any and all obstacles with the Lord on our side.

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