Saturday, May 9, 2009

Beep, Beep, Beep

Saturday AM Update:
We first want to thank everyone for all your phone calls, e-mails, prayers and thoughts. God has truly blessed our family!

This morning we woke up with lots of questions. Thankfully the first person we met with this morning was Dr. V our endochronologist. We were put at such ease. We both felt like we were in the midst of a bad dream, but we know that we are in the palm of God's hands in all of this.

Samantha Grace had a restful night between blood sugar tests each hour. She was resting peacefully when Josh went in at 8:30 this morning. She woke up in a good mood in comparison to the past few days. She even, in the time period we were back with her this morning, played peek-a-boo with the nurse. (Honestly, I think she was flirting with her now male nurse!)

She was grateful to eat some applesauce and a full glass milk. Prior to eating, her blood sugar measured 78, which everyone was pleased with so they took her off of her insulin IV line and her saline drip (due to being able to drink a whole glass of milk). After about an hour of consumption, they retested to find her blood sugar back up to 257. They administered a fast acting insulin to bring it back down on top of the slow acting 24-hour insulin they gave her earlier in the morning.

Today is a trial and error day to figure out her insulin levels. We are praying that we will be in a regular room by this evening. Again we thank you for all your prayers and support. We know that God is in control and we can trust in Him.

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