Monday, May 4, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This past week I so did not drop off my child at the church nursery and say, "Good Luck!" to the paid workers because SG had not taken a nap all day long. What mother would use the church nursery as a little relief? NOT ME being a pastor's wife.

I most certainly did not give my child milk that had been sitting on her shelf since 8:00 PM to her at 4:00 AM because I couldn't see what it was. It had to be just water right?!

I definitely did not almost pee all over myself at the blood lab while giving blood for my annual physical test. After all I hadn't eaten in over twelve hours and it was only sounding like I was in a huge tunnel. I also did not tell the lab tech that I would become a regular weekly donor if they would like?!

I so did not allow SG to throw her plate on the floor in protest of breakfast then call the dog inside for clean-up duty. That is just disgusting!
Even though it has been reported that dog's mouthes are cleaner than a human's mouth.

I hope this brings a little laughter to your Monday! (Bonus: It gave you a little insight to what happened this week at the Duke house!)

Happy Monday!


  1. Very cute!! I too have never ever allowed one of our dogs to "clean up" one of our munchkin's messes. I mean really, THE IDEA!

    p.s I love the music on your blog...beautiful!

  2. I love your post--especially about the doggie clean-up. Our dog has been staying outside lately and I can't seem to teach my cat to do the same thing.
