Friday, June 5, 2009

Calm of the Storm

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. - Psalm 5:11

Today we are happy to report that we ALL slept through the night peacefully! Samantha Grace's fever seems to be staying constant and not rising, which is a huge praise! We continue to pray for it to fall rapidly from its current stage back to "normal".

Her blisters seem to have spread in her mouth, but thankfully, have not spread to her hands and feet yet. I think that the extra saliva from cutting a new tooth is somewhat helping ease the pain in her mouth.

Her appetite is better but no where near where it was before she got sick. We were able to get her to eat a few Goldfish this morning and we are still working on our milk. But God is being so good at protecting her little body from either having extremely low sugar or high sugar levels. They have been for the most part in an o.k. range.

Josh and I are so excited today, as well, to celebrate our 5th Anniversary! Josh has something special up his sleeve for us to do today that I have no clue about. Being a Type-A person it is driving me crazy taht I don't have a clue about what is going on, but in the midst of everything else that has been going on I have to say that I am thoroughly looking forward to the surprise. I will be sure to blog about our wonderful day tomorrow.

Again, thank you Dr. M and Nurse Becca for all your help yesterday. Samantha Grace surely loves you guys and so do we!

We ask that you pray for our Sr.High Choir "One Voice". They left on their 10 day tour this morning for the most unreached state in the United States, Vermont. We pray that lives will be changed and that Vermont will soon lose the title of being the least reached state for Christ in the United States. Visit One Voice's site to join in their journey.

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