Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bumpy Ride

As many of you know one of Samantha Grace's favorite activities is riding in her luxurious Radio Flyer wagon. As we have found, the ride is not always the smoothest depending on what type of terrain we would be traveling. Much like Samantha Grace's wagon rides, so has been her health.

We are once again experiencing one of those bumps in the road. After a day and a half of fabulous blood sugar levels, Daddy and I noticed that SG's levels began to creep up into the 300's and would not budge, even despite SG's slowly decreasing appetite. We also noticed that she was beginning to have difficulty breathing. She was sounding like a sea lion at the zoo when she would breathe-in.

Therefore, our weekly call-in to Dr.M was made. We came to the conclusion that SG had croup. So she was immediately put on steroids and an antibiotic to help prevent sinus infections/ear infections and to battle the starting of pink eye (we think). Unfortunately, before she was started on any of these medications she was still struggling with 300+ blood sugar levels.

I made the executive decision to call back to Birmingham (I called them just the day before) to see if they would finally increase her insulin to bring some internal comfort to her. (She has been very irritable, and always is, when she is high.) They decided to increase all of her insulin levels, which we started last night. On a down side, the steroids that she is on cause the blood sugar levels to naturally run higher.

So last night we had some mild scares with blood sugars at 549 and 541 in 2 consecutive readings. Thankfully around midnight her body decided to "take" the injection and her levels started to go down into the upper 200's. This also allowed Samantha Grace to rest easier in the night.

The positive things are that once the insulin does take affect, about 10 minutes post injection, Samantha Grace does not even seem sick (other than her stuffy nose and seal breathing). This has allowed her to play and enjoy herself throughout the day. She also has only ran mild fevers throughout the entire ordeal! (Huge Praise!)

Our prayers for the next few days include:
1) Rapid recovery with minimal pain/discomfort
2) Minimal amounts of extra injections (she received a total of 10 injections yesterday compared to a normal of 5 in one day)
3) The ability for her body to stay well for a longer period of time in order to build up the immune system.
4) Leveling of blood sugars to a safer range.

We ask that you join us in these prayers. We would like to take the "wagon ride" back onto smoother terrain very soon. For Daddy and I have found that there is supreme power in the power of prayer!

1 comment:

  1. Stay strong Carrie. We are praying for you and precious little Samantha Grace. You are a great mother and God gave you this precious child because he knew you were up to the task of helping her and being her most special Mommy. Love, Reba
