We have been battling, as you probably read from my morning blog, a fever all day. It reached what is to believe on Mommy and Daddy's end, hopefully, its peak around 5:30PM at 103.2. Unfortunately, there were some rocky times during the car ride home.
However, due to the alternation of Tylenol and Motrin and pure exhaustion Samantha Grace was able to rest for portions of the trip. She also enjoyed taking straws from the drink display at a gas station while waiting on Daddy. (Okay so I let her take some Icee straws out of the store even without even purchasing an Icee.)
Upon arrival in Montgomery we made what is beginning to feel like our weekly stop by our pediatrician's office. (We are so sorry Dr. M, but you are amazing!) We felt like Samantha Grace needed a quick look over to make sure nothing too serious was wrong. Praise the Lord everything checked out okay. We will be returning tomorrow morning for some blood work and a few other tests to rule out all our possibilities that could be looming.
We are so thankful to Grandbo and Mimi for a wonderful relaxing time at the lake this week. I also thank you (in a subtle way) for giving Joshua the boat and motorcycle itch. (It's more of the boat but he did enjoy the motorcycle a lot!)
We continue to praise God for the things that have not occurred in the midst of all of our circumstances!

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