We measure so much in time. Whether it be in seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, etc. we put a lot of our day dependent upon time. I am a complete type-A personality. My husband has to "calm" me down a lot because I am a non-stop person, very goal oriented. If I make a to-do list then it has to be done or I don't feel like it has been a successful day. Time is a huge manager of my day!
Today we are measuring in several units around our house. Some of the abbreviations you might see written on various things around the house are CC, Units, mg/dL, g, oz., carbs, calories, minutes/seconds, AM, PM. So many things to measure...But today we will remember it in months.
1 month ago today...
- Mommy got a new part-time job as the assistant director at SG's preschool.
- Mommy took SG to see Dr.M upon the doctor's request.
- Dr.MH took excellent care of SG at Baptist South's ER.
- SG weighed 16 lbs. (Today she weighs 18lbs. 9oz.!)
- SG "blew" out 3 blood glucose meters until finally measuring 914 mg/dL.
- SG took her first and, hopefully, only Life Flight ride to Birmingham
Children's Hospital.
- Mommy and Daddy made it to Birmingham in record time to comfort SG in the PICU.
- Children's Hospital confirmed a diagnosis of Type I diabetes and took amazing care of SG for the next 6 days!
These are memories, numbers and measurements of which some of us never want to see again. Yet it causes us to pause and remember that God knew that Samantha Grace had much more to do here on Earth. It also makes Mommy and Daddy realize the long road ahead of us and to reflect on our "new" life.
I have taken a very strong stance with a new friend with plans of becoming very active in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation . As a lot of my readers can already imagine, I am working on bringing back the JDRF Walk; however, I have plans of adding a 5K run to the mix. Bet you couldn't guess. So if you have a business or company and feel compelled to sponsor the future JDRF Run/Walk please feel free to e-mail me. (I thank, in advance, all of our sponsors and my running set-up crew!)
At this key point in our journey, I, again, thank everyone for their countless prayers. God is so good!
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