Last night, our family experienced something new for the first time from a first person perspective...politics. We have always been heavily involved in politics. I don't think we ever get together with fellow family members/friends without talking politics, especially Daddy & Grandbo. Well, as many of you know Alabama is coming up on a HUGE political race that is very important, not only for our state, but for our nation as well. We are getting ready to elect a new governor! (So if you are 17 years older than me you qualify to vote, so exercise your right!) .

So after receiving an invitation to meet one of the republican candidates, Daddy and Mommy couldn't resist the opportunity. Despite the fact that I was comfortable in my cotton "My Dad's a Hunk" t-shirt and comfy lounge pants, Mommy insisted that I change into a fancy, linen dress. Just in case I forgot who I was, Mommy had my initials not only on my dress but also monogrammed on my fancy panties. The car ride was a blast because Mommy sat in the back seat with me, we boogied to Veggie Tales (after telling Daddy to turn off talk radio), and I got to eat grapes and Goldfish.
I didn't think it could get any better until we arrived...My friend Alli Beth was there too! When we walked into Mr. Mark and Mrs. Eegee's house, I was a bit overwhelmed I have to say for all the new faces, but I due have to admit that I quickly warmed up and made myself at home. Mommy let me stroll around until the "big man", Mr. Tim James, decided it was his turn to steal the spotlight. Then before I knew it...Mr. James had scooped me up. 'HOT DOG!' I thought. Front row seat! (I even offered him my cheese cracker.) After he spoke some really big things that I didn't understand, he let me go.
Mommy told me later that it reminded her of the times that she has seen presidential candidates carrying other people's babies. Oh, well, I thought it was great! After that I decided to go exploring and found the perfect rocking chair in Mrs. Eegee's sitting room! I loved it because it was just my size. I also discovered another Alabama delicacy...Pecans! I loved them, especially the salty ones.
Needless to say I was dog tired when we returned home. Mommy said I fell asleep on the way home, but I think she was telling a fib. (Mommy note: She did fall dead asleep!) I did have some trouble going to bed last night because I am cutting teeth and other things but Mommy rocked me to sleep with ease!
Since last night was so exciting and entertaining, I was glad to have a relaxing morning at Cecile's house. I took a great nap this morning and helped around the house. I even helped Cecile vacuum and learned a new phrase to say, "Mama bye-bye."
After we enjoyed a yummy lunch from Dirk's (the cornbread and BBQ chicken is great!), Mommy and Cecile decided to travel to a new store to Mommy. While we were there, Mommy and Cecile didn't notice that I had "snatched" a baby doll with its own bed off of the shelf until later on in the store. I had to take the baby...she needed some hugs and love. Mommy told me that I could only hold it as we walked through the store. (Honestly, I was so bored because Mommy and Cecile kept looking at all these things that I couldn't touch!)
As we got ready to leave, Mommy bent down to take the baby from me, but Cecile saved the baby...Yep, you got it! I got to bring the baby home with me. Mommy fixed her bed. I even put her down for a nap before I went to take in some ZZZZs of my own. Her picture is below. I haven't named her yet, so if you have any suggestions I would love to have them! Mommy even said that if we pick your suggestion she will make you a homemade cheesecake of your choice! (If I were you I wouldn't pass this up!)
Well, it is time for me to put my tired fingers to rest now. This typing thing wears me out. I hope you all are having good week thus far. Mommy is going to finish up with some prayer request.
Thank you Samantha Grace for giving Mommy's writing brain a break for today! I hope that you all enjoyed our life from the perspective of our 1-year-old. I do ask that you continue to pray for stabilization. This is probably #1 on our request line for we have been on a wild roller coaster ride for the past week and continue. Next, prayers for wisdom for the doctors as they look at all our elements of our case day-in-and-day-out. I also ask that you pray for the continual good health and growth of our new friend Ruthie Grace and her Mommy. Thanks again for your continual support and prayers!