Monday, April 6, 2009

When it Rains it Pours

Okay, so this post is much to go in the memory books for Samantha Grace and for myself to remember what a week it has and will be for her first Easter and first birthday. Yes, it is true that here in Montgomery it has been pouring rain off and on since last Thursday (with two beautiful days of sunshine stuck in between on Friday and Saturday). But the title of this post has more to do with the events that have taken place over the past few days to create an adventure of a week.

I started off the week with what seemed like a very manageable to-do list for the week that was until we had a little mishap which caused some extra outings that had to be completed on Monday. Then on Sunday, as well as the day that we discovered the BIG OOPS!, I proceeded to gracefully fall down the front stairs after the first service on Sunday morning. At first I thought all was fine, especially this morning (Monday), because I didn't feel any pain any more; for, I had been having sharp pains run through my big toe and continue to an area in my foot that I have screws from a previous foot surgery. So I continued on with a normal weekly routine of getting up for an early morning run. I continued to feel great, every now and then I would feel a twinge of pain but nothing too major to be concerned over. Then when I got home I was taking a shower and thought I noticed some dirt in between my toes from the flip flops I had been wearing Sunday evening at church. So I began to do what any other hygenic person would do...scrub...scrub...OWWW! Yeah, it wasn't dirt. I look between my big toe and second toe and noticed that I had a deep purple bruise between my toes. As I got out of the shower and as the day has progressed the pain has continued to stream throughout my big toe into the entire right most side of my left foot. Needless to say I will be seeing an orthopedic doctor Tuesday for an x-ray.

The week should continue as normal except our front desk secretary at church has recently retired; therefore, being the go-getter that I am willing volunteered to fill-in whenever needed. And would you guess my first day is Friday, this Friday, when I will have a house full of company. Luckily, I will also have a house full of helping hands. I told Josh that this will be a time for any body else that feels they need to "fix" something for the party to get into the kitchen.

I say all this because I want this to be a memorable weekend for everyone, so I don't want anything to be a hinderance. But I can already see where Satan is trying to spoil my positive attitude, but I am not going to let him get to me. The picture of Samantha Grace at the top of this post is what I felt like this morning when everything came crashing in; I don't know about you but I always do better with visuals.

P.S. Did I also mention I am also waiting to find out about a job that I interviewed for?

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