I also think that Samantha Grace might be getting a little too big for her britches. Well, not really at 16.1 lbs., but last night she had an opportune photo opp. At our church since last Wednesday we have been hosting a group called Team Impact. Their goal is to share Christ through their incredible feats of strength. (Like dead lifting, snapping and then shoulder pressing a telephone pole over your head!) Anyways, Samantha Grace was given the opportunity to pose with Jeff (the founder of Team Impact) and our wonderful pastor Jay. Just look at the size in comparison to Samantha Grace. And Jeff is one of the smallest, in height, of all the guys! But these guys had even bigger hearts and passion for Christ!

I also want to update everyone about Samantha Grace's health condition. She is doing much better with her "cold" that she had a few weeks ago. I do ask that you say a little prayer tonight for her. When I put her down tonight, I just thought it was strange that her entire body felt extremely warm. I took her temp and it was 101.8! Not exactly what I was expecting. We are hoping that a little Tylenol will do the trick.
As I sign off this evening, I leave you with a pictorial reminder that it is still spring even though the thermometer might read differently. For in sweet Samantha Grace's eyes it is time for her and mommy to Spring Clean the kitchen.

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