Joshua and I spent a wonderful evening out last night at our local Christian radio stations 25th Anniversary benefit dinner (Thanks Mark!). The food and festivities were great but the speaker beat it all. He is a man of true dignity and strong Christian values. He is a man who ever since coming into the lime light I have wanted to meet LONG before he made a HUGE stance in politics because of his overall stance on physical health and fitness. He and I have ran with the same man, running the same distance but had yet to meet.
As Joshua and I walked up to meet/greet last night a get a few books signed by this man, I have to admit that I was almost at a loss for words. It was all happening so fast! As we waited in line, I kept going over and over in my head exactly what I was going to say to him because I didn't want to look like a fool. I wish I had had hours to pick his brain and discuss health policies, economics and just in general politics. I would have never guessed I would have wanted to do this ever in my life but with this one man I think I could have asked him to join me for a 5K jog around the block and he would have come. That's just the kind of man he is.
The man you might ask is:

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