For one year ago, I was lying in a hospital bed trying to keep Samantha Grace's heart rate at the correct level while dealing with labor pains. Exactly one year ago, I had a terrific doctor that walked into my room at 3:00 PM on April 14 and said we have to have a c-section. I didn't question his decision for I knew what had been going on with Samantha Grace's stats since noon on April 13th. It wasn't until after delivery and later at my 6-week check up did I truly discover that if it had not been for my doctor's initiative then we may not be celebrating this momentous occasion. If I had been thick headed then Samantha Grace would not be with us today.
So I take this day and time to thank the Lord for the blessing of wisdom of the marvelous doctor that He has placed in my life.
To make another milestone during Samantha Grace's first birthday, Josh and I found it to be important to us to choose God Parents for her. For we do not live close to our parents, yet there have been some sweet people that have really touched our lives and reached out their hands in caring for Samantha Grace. I will not specifically name whom we have picked for I think that this is a family matter at this time. But I know that Samantha Grace will be spoiled rotten by this family and loved to the ends of the Earth! (Thanks Mr. Duke for your suggestion in doing this it has meant a lot to this family!)
Yes, we threw Samantha Grace quite the dig. I had the weekend planned out. Being Easter weekend we knew it was going to be packed with church festivities, but we also wanted to make it memorable as a birthday. So on Saturday we utilized the Cadillac wagon (one of Samantha Grace's b-day gifts) by visiting the zoo on one of the most gorgeous days I have seen in a long time. After exhausting Samantha Grace (yes, part of the plan), I and other family members raced around the house to make it look perfect for our festivities that night.
4:30 - Whew! Can I sleep was all I could think? But sleep would not come for it was PARTY time. We had a blast chowing down on BBQ, fruit kabobs, chips, etc. But most of all we had fun spoiling our little lady bug to death. We even carried out the tradition of a first cake...
Okay...whoever started the tradition of the first cake needs to have their head examined. Samantha Grace meticulously ate the frosting first, then realizing every one was watching, stuffed the rest of the cupcake as fast she could in her mouth. Little did we know what the result would be.
1:00 AM
I found myself up with Samantha Grace up until past 1:00 AM fighting off a major sugar rush. Needless to say, Josh and I have come to the consensus that sugar will be low on the food groups for a long time with our children. Plus what nutritional value does it truly offer anyways.
I have to say overall it was a tremendous weekend and one full of memories! I am so looking forward to throwing more BIG birthday celebrations in the future! Enjoy the pictures of our adventures!

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