Sunday, August 22, 2010

Invisible Hands

As many of you know, two year olds can say the funniest things. Well, just these past few weeks SG has been having "conversations" with God while we are driving in the car. Some of them go like this,

SG: Hey, God, whatcha doin'?


SG: Ok. I'm not doin' anything. Just riding in the car.

Mom: So what is God up to SG?

SG: Just watching over us.

Mom: Anything else?

SG: Yeah, relaxing.

These conversations seem so cute and innocent when they happen. But her conversations I think came to life this weekend. Our church truly did have God watching over us with his invisible hands of protection. As you follow this link you can read and watch about what a true blessing it is that 14 lives were spared yesterday.

I write all of this cute conversation and link it to this story just to reiterate how important it is not only to openly talk to our children about God's hedge of protection, love and the joy He brings to our lives, but also the importance of praying. We have continually taught SG how praying is just talking to God. So she has, in her two year old mind, created these open conversations with God knowing that he is just "relaxing" and listening.

This power of prayer is truly what saved the lives of 14 young men yesterday. So as you go through this week and you are sitting at stop lights, cleaning dishes or, as in my case, tripping over another toy...stop and have a light hearted "conversation" with God. After all, He's watching over us and just relaxing in his heavenly chair!

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