Rollins Wilkerson
This sweet little angel is battling not only cancer but also RSV, high fevers, and possibly some other things. (To read her full story click here) Rollins has been on our hearts since the day that her grandmother, Jan, told us about her. Jan and I exchange our stories and frustrations often about the continual struggle of illnesses. We have a special connection through drastically different situations.
As my husband and I await the soon ear tube surgery for Samantha Grace, while knowing that her ears are still full of fluid that is infected, this seems so small. So last night just before counting sheep, my husband and I discussed today's events. He expressed that he really wanted to go and visit Rollins. I cannot say how much my heart just broke. Knowing that not every man would stop everything he is doing and drive almost 2 hours one way to lay hands on, pray over and hug family members of sweet little Rollins.
So I write all of this to say now is a time to pray. We must remember to praise Him in the good times and in the bad times.

I close with the lyrics to a song that has completely spoken to me over the past few weeks.
By The Gentle Waters
By the gentle waters,
You will safely lead me,
in green pastures feed me,
knowing what is best.
Though I often stray,
wander far away,
I can hear You say,
"Come to me and rest."
Though the path be rough and rugged,
though the trail be dark and steep,
still the gentle Shepherd watches o'er His sheep.
There's no need to fear when the Shepherd's near.
When Your voice I hear,
I find comfort sure.
Free from all alarm,
Sheltered from all harm,
in Your arms,
I can rest secure.
With the flock abiding,
all my needs supplying,
comforting and guiding,
leading all the way.
Jesus, loving Shepherd,
You'll forsake me never.
In Your flock forever,
I am not alone.
Though the darkness hide me,
You are close beside me.
Gentle Shepherd guide me
'til I'm safely home.
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