Monday, February 15, 2010

Lenses and Focal Points

So I come upon a post where there are more pictures than there are words to express how much fun we are having at our home lately watching SG grow and develop. We hope you enjoy all the pictures!

Our biggest milestone has been reached today! We "gave" all of our pacifiers, binkies, pap-paps to the babies at Children's Hospital because we are an almost big 2year old! SG even went to bed without a fuss for her pap-pap! YEAH!!!

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. - John 14:27

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Missing the Mountains

Thought I would post a short video of when we were first entering the mountains on Friday afternoon. The scene was very similar when we left this afternoon; however, there was already at least 1 1/2 inches of snow on the ground. I have to admit that seeing the deer, snow and overall view made me like a little kid at Christmas! I grew up seeing the Smoky Mountains from my bedroom window and visiting them quite often, so this brought back so many memories! Hope you all enjoy watching the snow falling!

A special thanks sent to all our new and old friends from the mountains, family, and Montgomery for a restful and adventureful Valentine's weekend! You all are such a blessing to our lives!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Tears are Overrated

We thank everyone in advance for all the prayers for Samantha Grace and her recent minor surgery. Everything went great! When she returned from surgery, a mere 20 minutes, the nurses said the only time she cried was just after waking from anesthesia. (Who can blame her?)

All of the doctors and nurses were quite surprised with this considering the rest of the children around us were screaming on the way down the hall. We were very proud!

The tubes went into both ears successfully. The doctors also were able to drain some of the fluid from the ears prior to insertion of the tubes. We will continue to monitor fever and drainage for the next few days. She will receive antibiotic drops to help try and prevent infection over the next few days. SG will have a follow up ENT appointment in about 2 - 3 weeks.

We praise the Lord that nothing went wrong and that we were able to get our tubes as soon as possible.

Below are a few pics that we snapped during and after surgery, along with some pics from the North Georgia Mountains where we are taking a family break!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Birmingham's Eve

As Samantha Grace and I gear up to head to Birmingham tomorrow afternoon, the time cannot pass quick enough. Our sleepless nights are adding up quickly, the wackiness (if that is a word) of her blood sugar numbers over the past several weeks are driving all of us crazy looking for answers, but my worries and storms are put to a halt when I read Rollin's mom's latest blog...In Brooke's words...

Somewhere inside I had finally found peace, comfort and then more bad news. We have to meet with her Dr. tomorrow to discuss Rollins having an MRI. I refused, but she was insistent. She wants to further understand what happened last Tuesday and look deeper than the CT scan. She thinks there might be something else wrong, a problem caused by the chemo. I don't know much more than that and won't know until we talk tomorrow at clinic, but I am angry and very scared. I never asked why this happened to Rollins 18 months ago, I just asked God why it wasn't me. Any mother would take the pain, and in Rollins case the Cancer, just to protect her child. I am very angry and just want her little body to be left alone. She has been through so much, not another complication​. The Dr. ask why I was so scared of the MRI, was it b/c of what they might find? I guess the answer is yes. I am terrified of what they might find, she is my baby. I know it doesn't work this way, but hasn't she had enough - isn't the cancer enough? For those of you trying to call, I am sorry but can't talk right now - just feels best in the quiet with Rollins with me. I know I just got the call from the hospital and all this is new to me, I just feel like crumbling. ​ What do I do? I guess I pick myself up and press on, but right now I am scared, angry and feel so helpless. Please pray for her just like you did in the hospital. Please pray that this is just something we have to go through, but everything will be fine. Please pray God lift her up and protect her from anything​ more. Please pray she is perfect, and I can go back to praying just for her leukemia.

I understand what it feels like to want to just hold your baby and be away from "the world". I understand what it is like to wonder, 'How much more can my little one take on?' So we stop and pray...

Pray...something we all do everyday whether in good times or bad times. Something that I was reading this morning on the treadmill was the importance of following through when we tell someone, "I'll pray for you." It should be solid commitment, for it is not only a commitment to that person(s) needs but also a commitment to God.

So I as I sit in my arm chair writing, wearing worn out jeans that remind me to fall on my knees and pray.

"How bold and free we then become in His presence, freely asking according to His will, sure that He's listening." -1 John 5:14 - 15 (The Message)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Our Little Monet

Okay so the picture looks nothing like you would fine in the National Museum of Art, but SG and I had a blast doing this last night. She and I worked together on this masterpiece. Little does she know but she has several "reproductions" to do today. some people because we have to get them shipped off.

On the health front...SG seems to be doing fine during the day. We have been fever free pretty much all week. She still has a TON of congestion hence her under eyes look puffy and black and blue and her nose runs all the time. She continues to have trouble sleeping waking 3-4 times during the night even with the aid of Tylenol and/or Motrin. We are eagerly awaiting Wednesday's appointment with our ENT in Birmingham.

We also ask that you continue to pray for little Rollins. Her health seems to be improving yet still having trouble with her oxygen levels. So we know that prayer has worked thus far and continue to use His strength and almight healing power to get her through this rough bump in the road. Then she will be able to return to chemo treatments to, hopefully, rid her little body of Lukemia forever!

Happy Saturday to all! Stay tuned this week for a surprise Valentine's treat!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A True Meaning

Over, what has almost been a year, the Lord has been revealing to me each and everyday a deeper meaning of unconditional love. Today I witnessed my wonderful husband showing unconditional love to a sweet little girl.

Rollins Wilkerson

This sweet little angel is battling not only cancer but also RSV, high fevers, and possibly some other things. (To read her full story click here) Rollins has been on our hearts since the day that her grandmother, Jan, told us about her. Jan and I exchange our stories and frustrations often about the continual struggle of illnesses. We have a special connection through drastically different situations.

As my husband and I await the soon ear tube surgery for Samantha Grace, while knowing that her ears are still full of fluid that is infected, this seems so small. So last night just before counting sheep, my husband and I discussed today's events. He expressed that he really wanted to go and visit Rollins. I cannot say how much my heart just broke. Knowing that not every man would stop everything he is doing and drive almost 2 hours one way to lay hands on, pray over and hug family members of sweet little Rollins.

So I write all of this to say now is a time to pray. We must remember to praise Him in the good times and in the bad times.

I close with the lyrics to a song that has completely spoken to me over the past few weeks.

By The Gentle Waters
By the gentle waters,
You will safely lead me,
in green pastures feed me,
knowing what is best.

Though I often stray,
wander far away,
I can hear You say,
"Come to me and rest."

Though the path be rough and rugged,
though the trail be dark and steep,
still the gentle Shepherd watches o'er His sheep.

There's no need to fear when the Shepherd's near.
When Your voice I hear,
I find comfort sure.

Free from all alarm,
Sheltered from all harm,
in Your arms,
I can rest secure.

With the flock abiding,
all my needs supplying,
comforting and guiding,
leading all the way.

Jesus, loving Shepherd,
You'll forsake me never.
In Your flock forever,
I am not alone.

Though the darkness hide me,
You are close beside me.
Gentle Shepherd guide me
'til I'm safely home.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Have you ever watched a child admire or chase their shadow, or try to find your shadow? Or do you remember Mary Martin in Peter Pan finding her shadow and trying to reattach her shadow with a bar of soap? Thankfully, we never lose the amazement or our shadows for that matter. Sometimes we even feel we have shadows, other than our own personal ones, that follow us.

Such is the case for us yesterday...Poor Mimi and Bobo seem to have a "shadow" of some sort when they have come to visit the past few times. SG has managed to have some type of illness each time keeping us all on our toes. This past Friday SG was diagnosed with an ear infection in her right ear. (Look back at this blog for reference to our night prior to diagnosis.) Well, we all thought we were heading in the clear because SG was so full of personality the entire weekend that is until Sunday night...

After completing our Sunday activities and reading ourselves for Sunday night worship, Mimi and Mommy were getting ready to leave when our sweet friend Krisit came bringing SG. She said she just wasn't herself. Taking her blood sugar we found out that she had a low blood sugar. Mimi and Mommy started trying anything and everything to get SG's blood sugar back up. She wouldn't take anything. NOT EVEN CHOCOLATE!

SG cried the entire way home, her blood sugar started rising on its own without taking anything oral. This lead Mommy to believe that an infection was starting to brew. Upon arriving home, Mimi and Mommy prepared for anything and everything (doctor's visit, hospital, etc.). SG continued to cry unable to calm herself even when being held, rocked, etc., so the decision was made by Dr. B and us to see the doc on call Dr. W.

Dr. W found that both of her ears are extremely infected. We were taken off of the previously prescribed antibiotics and now will receive an antibiotic shot once a day over the next few days. So in our near future we will be heading to Birmingham to an ENT for tubes.

We are so thankful for all the help that Mimi, Bobo, Dr. B, Dr. W and all our friends were during this time. SG is doing better this morning. Still not herself but on the mend!

As Daddy and Mommy know, the Lord will not give us more than we can handle!