Have you ever watched a child admire or chase their shadow, or try to find your shadow? Or do you remember Mary Martin in Peter Pan finding her shadow and trying to reattach her shadow with a bar of soap? Thankfully, we never lose the amazement or our shadows for that matter. Sometimes we even feel we have shadows, other than our own personal ones, that follow us.
Such is the case for us yesterday...Poor Mimi and Bobo seem to have a "shadow" of some sort when they have come to visit the past few times. SG has managed to have some type of illness each time keeping us all on our toes. This past Friday SG was diagnosed with an ear infection in her right ear.
(Look back at this blog for reference to our night prior to diagnosis.) Well, we all thought we were heading in the clear because SG was so full of personality the entire weekend that is until Sunday night...
After completing our Sunday activities and reading ourselves for Sunday night worship, Mimi and Mommy were getting ready to leave when our sweet friend Krisit came bringing SG. She said she just wasn't herself. Taking her blood sugar we found out that she had a low blood sugar. Mimi and Mommy started trying anything and everything to get SG's blood sugar back up. She wouldn't take anything. NOT EVEN CHOCOLATE!
SG cried the entire way home, her blood sugar started rising on its own without taking anything oral. This lead Mommy to believe that an infection was starting to brew. Upon arriving home, Mimi and Mommy prepared for anything and everything (doctor's visit, hospital, etc.). SG continued to cry unable to calm herself even when being held, rocked, etc., so the decision was made by Dr. B and us to see the doc on call Dr. W.
Dr. W found that both of her ears are extremely infected. We were taken off of the previously prescribed antibiotics and now will receive an antibiotic shot once a day over the next few days. So in our near future we will be heading to Birmingham to an ENT for tubes.
We are so thankful for all the help that Mimi, Bobo, Dr. B, Dr. W and all our friends were during this time. SG is doing better this morning. Still not herself but on the mend!
As Daddy and Mommy know, the Lord will not give us more than we can handle!