Today while driving home from one of our many YMCA's in Montgomery, SG said, "Cows! Mommy! I see cows!"
I replied, "Yes, Samantha Grace those are just like the cows that live by our house."
A few minutes passed and SG asked,"Whatcha doing?" Side Note: This is one of her favorite questions right now that is usually asked at least 5 times in the matter of a few minutes.
I replied, "Driving to our house. Look, Samantha Grace there are some more cows."
SG replies without any extended period of thought, "Those my cows Momma."
"Oh, really...What kind of cows do you have?" I asked.
"Cheese cows. Mine cows cheese," replied SG.
"Really Samantha Grace. Well, let me tell you a little bit about cows. Cows produce milk and milk is then turned into cheese. Maybe once day Daddy and I can take you to a dairy farm and see the cows and how they make milk and cheese," I explained.
"I walk to cows Momma?!" SG asked.
"No not today," as I lowered her out of the car," maybe another day soon."
"Oh...(thinking)okay," SG stated.
If only I could have had a camera to continuously shoot her facial expressions throughout this conversation. She was quite determined that the cows belonged to her and that they were cheese cows. She even got her pointer finger going and hand motions trying to explain everything. Quite hysterical!

So next time you see the cows off of Thorington Road, just remember they belong to Samantha Grace and that they are Cheese Cows!
Happy Tuesday!
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