Today I could not have heard two more fitting bench mark sermons. Once was about Jesus going to the pool at Bethesda and healing a man that had been sitting by the pool for over 38 years in hopes of being healed by these "miracle" waters. The second sermon I heard today was on Philippians 3:1-14.
This is a scripture passage that I visit frequently; however, tonight it sunk in with a totally new depth in my heart. Especially the all too familiar portion in verses 13 - 14:
Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
This scripture brought an incredible peace to my heart knowing that one of the "goals" in heaven will be a life without diabetes...or any childhood illness for that matter.
I also have to mention that when I am came home from church, I had a very touching e-mail from a friend in Birmingham whose daughter is battling cancer. Her daughter is only 3 years old. (I will be running the St. Jude Marathon in December in her honor.) So while Samantha Grace may have diabetes, our hearts ache as a family for our precious little friend.
Samantha Grace is growing so fast before our eyes! She is all girl and taking on more of a 2-year-old personality every day.
Medical update: SG is continuing to experience a roller coaster of blood sugar levels. Daddy and I have come the conclusion that we will continue to see this wave of numbers until she reaches some leveling in growth hormones and other changes that take effect during the young years.
She is finally showing some signs of getting over a sinus infection that has been lingering on for almost 4 weeks. We will finish our antibiotics in a few days!
SG is doing remarkably well with breaking of the pacifier habit. She has stopped asking for it during the day. The only time she BOLTS for the refrigerator (that's where we keep them to soothe any teething gums) is for nap or bedtime.

Overall, the Lord has been good in helping us understand what is best for Samantha Grace. She has been able to stay out of a doctor's office (except for the endocrinology appointments) for illness and/or emergencies for almost 3 weeks! We look forward to adding more weeks to our healthy days in the future.
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