I wanted to come up with something creative and fun for this Thanksgiving, but my creative thoughts I believe have all been baked into all the goodies that have been delivered. So in the midst of the middle of the night, my brain fired off this idea. I want to take the word THANKFUL and expound upon it to express my utmost thankfulness for this year.
As we all know this year has been a tremendous amount of ups and downs. My prayer is that you will feel all my true expressions of thankfulness.
T – Trust. I am so grateful for the trust I can put in our Lord no matter the situation. I am also grateful for the trust I have in friends and family through all of the valleys and mountain tops!
H – Helicopters full of helping hands. I truly believe that God laid his magnificent healing hands and gift of wisdom on the doctors and nurses aboard the Children’s Life Flight helicopter to transport our little angel.

A – Adventures. This year has been full of firsts for Samantha Grace. All of which through her precious eyes are grand new adventures. I just can’t explain that with each new adventure I tear up with such joy.
N – Notes. I have always been a HUGE fan of writing hand written notes. I just think that it has such a personal touch that we are slowly losing through our technology age. I thoroughly enjoyed reading all the notes that we received during Samantha Grace’s most difficult days. Those days that the tears came with no explanation, the notes were so uplifting!
K – Kindness. The kindness of friends, families, and strangers has been overwhelming from every angle. I never thought that the past 6 months of our lives would have impacted our family more than ever. I am truly learning about the kindness of a warm smile.
F – Family. I know…I know. It sounds so cheesy. But it is true. I am so thankful not only for my family, but I am also thankful for my heavenly family.
U – Unfortunate Events. This may sound peculiar, but I truly am thankful for all the unfortunate events of our lives. For I am thankful for the things that did not happen through all those events. I am thankful for the doors that these events have opened and closed.
L – Love! The love of our Heavenly Father is ever abounding. The growing and abounding love I have for Joshua and Samantha Grace. And the expanding love of all friends and family.
I know that this may seem quo to many. But these are only a few things that I have wanted to express to friends and family. My ultimate prayer is that you all have a fabulous and thankful Thanksgiving too!
The Dukes of 3
Joshua, Carri, & Samantha Grace