Enjoying the indoor pool at the beach in October!

Reading the Bible before bed.

Picnic in the backyard!

Cheering on the Montgomery Biscuits on Diabetes Night!

Samantha Grace's 1st Braves Game!

1st Pony Ride as a Tulip Fairy at the Fall Festival.

Mommy & Samantha Grace pausing from taking Christmas Card pictures at the beach!
(Yes! It was cold...45 and below in October!)

Playing in one of my facorite toys...a box!

Hanging out with Daddy after a long day in the ER with high blood sugars!

Leaving footprints in the sand.

Playing in shaving creme!

Does it look like SG had fun or what?!

Watching Samantha Grace's ducks.

Our pumpking on Halloween Night.

SG making sure we didn't leave any of the "yuckies" inside.
We hope that you all enjoyed our adventures of late. Samantha Grace is adjusting to her Pinkie (the pump) very well. We are still trying to attain some form of stabilization. We thank each and every one of your for all your prayers and support.
On a final note, as we approach November 1 our family would like to make you aware that November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. We would love to have any and all of your support for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation in hopes of one day finding a cure for this disease.
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