Alright...a NASA space shuttle has not landed in our back yard but it might as well have landed there. This week has been a week of celebrations in our house.
On Tuesday, we packed the car for a full day of learning at Children's Hospital. We were making our journey towards pump insertion. We have to admit from a Mommy and Daddy point of view that after our first class we felt numb. We looked at each other and thought, "I feel like a kid trying to learn how to ride a bike all over again." We knew that there would be falls, scraps and bruises along the way as we learned all these new formulas, buttons, and methods of keeping Samantha Grace's blood glucose levels in check.
Towards the end of the class, we were able to insert the pump (which is much like an IV line) into SG. Mommy was overjoyed, for she was the one to draw the short straw, that SG did not cry when the inset (site where the line is inserted into her little body) was place on her bottom. Samantha Grace, we have to say, had had a wonderful time playing with Mary Austin while Mommy and Daddy were learning which helped in the overall "trauma" set-up. Following her pump being inserted (with only saline this week), we all enjoyed a peaceful ride home with a sleeping baby.
Wednesday proved to be the first bump in the road. SG woke up very fussy.
(Side Note: She is not a morning person at all.) So Mommy attributed it to being sleepy, adjusting to the pump, and possibly teething. So being the "responsible" parents, Mommy and Daddy decided to begin the pain prevention process with a little Motrin. Well...
After a huge struggle to get her to eat breakfast, which ended up consisting more of candy corn that anything nutritious since that is all I could get her to eat, I found her blood sugar to be going off the charts (406) just before lunch time at school. We later discovered that she was running a 101 temp. So off to nap time we went with another dose of Motrin.
Following nap, Mommy thought all was well because Samantha Grace woke up sweaty and seemed to be "back to normal" personality wise. However, we soon found her back into a state of crabbiness, magnetism (attached to Mommy's side), and a temp up to 103. At this point in our journey, we now visit the doc. All tests came back negative so we were diagnosed with a fever virus.
(Side Note: She was also have difficulties using the restroom.) We continued the overlapping of fever meds through the night along with elevated blood sugars. (When diabetics run fevers they tend to run high.) She woke-up this morning with a semi-high blood sugar level, but the fever seemed to have subsided. However, as I now write, the fever has returned and we are trying some new remedies to get her digestive system back in order.
Mommy and Daddy ask that you pray for little SG. She is in quite a bit of pain due to the digestive problems. Also pray for the fever to break soon because the fever is using up the liquids we are trying to get down her which doesn't help the other problem. We thank you for all your prayers and support.
P.S. She is doing great so far with the pump. Doesn't really understand the whole thing yet.