Wednesday, before the day came to an end around midnight upon our arrival to Atlanta, I realized that we were marking the 2 month mark of Samantha Grace's diagnosis. I have to say, as I have mentioned many times, this has been a roller coaster ride. We never truly know what is around the next corner.
However, I have to say that Thursday night I witnessed a glimmer of hope into the future. Upon my mom's request, we watched the ABC (yes, our family finally ventured away from Fox News) Nightly News. They did an amazing feature story on the possibility and trial of an artificial pancreas. Much to my own amazement, it DOES NOT require an actual transplant but rather an external "machine" of sorts. For the opportunity to see something of this nature actually in working motion of a young lady was a true miracle to me and Josh. (Click Here or on "artificial pancreas" for story.)
Samantha Grace has had some rough days this week while dealing with the symptoms brought on by Roseola. Today has been our first day to see her back to "normal". We have been thoroughly enjoying our time with Ama and Papa. She has been a constant ball of energy. (I honestly think it has been building up inside of her all week but she just didn't have the energy to release it all.)
We all enjoyed a wonderful lunch at Paula Deen's cousins restaurant. (Cecile you would have died to have had her cookies and cakes!)We then ventured to the "ritzy" Alpharetta to visit a coveted little girl store...American Girl. Yes, I have already brought SG into the American Girl Doll madness. We actually started her collection at Christmas last year upon the notification of the retirement of the Samantha Doll(Thanks to a "secret Santa") but she will not be receiving her for quite some time. Instead, today she got her first Bitty Baby doll. She had a melt down in the store after we showed her the baby but told her we had to pay for it before we could take it out of the box.
Thankfully, we had already made most of our decisions, so the melt down lasted only a little while. She loves her new baby! (Pictures will come soon.) Ama and Papa bought baby a new outfit as well! It screams Samantha Grace!

ABOVE: She got a kick out of riding on the bellboy carts at the hotel.
SG and I enjoyed a Friday of rest and relaxation while Daddy finished up his conference. Around lunch time, Daddy decided that he had had enough of choir promo-packs and needed to be released into the world of true reality before breaking down. (Chip, can we get an Amen?!) So after lunch, we piled back into the car to head home.
As we all know, it is nice to get away for a little R-and-R, but it truly is nice returning home. We are looking forward to somewhat of a "low-key" week before traveling up north for another conference where Mommy and Daddy will be playing for worship.

Are you all going to try the zoo or museum while in Columbus? Hope you enjoy your visit. There's also a GREAT outlet place in Jeffersonville (about 40 miles south of columbus) that we love to stop and shop at!