Sunday, March 22, 2009

Stomach Bugs, Races, Grandparents and the Zoo

So I haven't posted any of our adventures in quite sometime, but one shouldn't worry because there have been quite a few. Almost two weeks ago, Samantha Grace contracted her first viral the car. Yes, I have never parked my car so fast for fear of her aspirating vomit back into her lungs, which would then cause pneumonia. For she was strapped securely in her car seat at the time of the nasty little bugs attack. Thankfully, we only had one vomit episode and several of what we have name bottom explosions (i.e., diaherra). I do better with the bottom explosions than the other.

Once we thought we were completely out of the woods, we took a short weekend trip to Atlanta to visit my family. The weather did not show off for us that weekend, for like much of the southeastern portion of the U.S., we danced with the rain all weekend long. But nonetheless we had a good time. Consignment sales, outdoor malls, and a must-have trip to Harry's (my favorite organic food store)!

I must add in the midst of all this craziness, I have also made the big decision to go back to work next year; therefore, I am currently in the midst of interviews at a private school in town. Details about this matter will, hopefully, be coming soon!

Follow our trip to Atlanta and thinking we had completely exterminated all of the stomach bugs, I came down with a horrific viral infection much worse than Samantha Grace. By the end of Monday, I was no longer able to pick-up and hold Samantha Grace. Needless to say the doc put me on some nice nausea/vomitting medication which knocked me out for the remainder of the night. Thankfully, this viral infection is only a 24 hour bug. Unfortunately later in the week Joshua contracted a very mild case of the same thing. This bug, however, seems to be hanging its littel fuzzy head around a little longer, for I and Josh are still having some major digestional issues. So we ask for your prayers as eating is becoming quite a chore around our house, not fun.

Following the viral bug, I had the honor to run in a local charity 5K in honor of my friend's precious twins who have been in the NICU for the past 5 1/2 weeks. Their names are John Colvin and Sidney Elizabeth. They are so precious! We have a ministry here in Montgomery and Birmingham called the Footprints Ministry that ministers to families of NICU babies. This is such a special ministry to me not only through my friend but also because Samantha Grace was so borderline to being in NICU. Praise the Lord that my doctor made such wise decisions at the time of her birth. So despite having had a viral infection, I ran the race with endurance and determination. I finished in 25 minutes, which I felt pretty good about since I had not ran pretty much all week like I like to run.

After the race, we enjoyed taking Samantha Grace with Josh's parents to her first trip to the Montgomery Zoo. I have to say we were pleasantly surprised by the quality of zoo that our city has to offer. For those reading that don't know, Montgomery is not one of the largest major cities in Alabama despite being the capitol. It is actually one of the smaller major cities sitting right over 200,000 people. We enjoyed seeing the girraffes, elephants, and one of Samantha Grace's favorites was what we referred to as the big kitty cat the black cougar.

As I mentioned as I opend this blog posting, we have had quite an exciting past two weeks. We are looking forward to celebrating Samantha Grace's first birthday in about 3 weeks along with her first Easter. Yep, all in the same weekend too! Soon I will post pictures from our grand adventures. But for now we will have to say, "Bye! Bye!"

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