However, upon not only being in Miss Pam's shop 5 minutes and receiving the traditional lollipop, SG insisted that she was to get her hair cut after Cecile. Well, we all did it with a held breath...lifted SG up onto the special chair, adorned her with the oh, so cool ice cream apron and waited an abated breath for the second tears of rejection. For, you see, a couple months ago we tried the same thing since she was convinced that she needed her hair cut too, but we were not successful as the tears flowed before the ice cream apron was even put on.
Today, on the other hand, was a totally different experience. She hopped up in the chair and sat with a stare of amazement watching Miss Pam's every move. For just a 5 minute trim, she did FANTASTIC! Now her hair will grow out in not the Billy Ray Cyrus style but in little, I mean, BIG girl style! (No worries...the curls are still there grandparents!)
Mommy has added some pics from the experience. Hope you enjoy!
P.S. After getting our hair trimmed, we went to see Miss Alice's puppies! SO CUTE!