Monday, March 29, 2010

Discovering a World of Joy

Over the last few weeks, our family has been discovering so many aspects of JOY that I think had been hidden due to our busy lives. Yet as we continue to be extremely busy, the Lord has been amazing in revealing his awesome power!

In addition to reveling his unthinkable and undeservable JOY, we have been enjoying watching Samantha Grace experience her 2nd Easter festivities. She has been "practicing" hunting Easter eggs at a variety of friends' homes. She was able to show off her "talent" today at preschool...All I can say is that I hope this is not a sign to come. (She was such a Hoarder.)

enJOY the amazing wonders of a 2-year-old's first egg hunt!

Trying to truly figure out what the heck is going on.

Checking out her loot and making sure no one has taken anything.
(She was a little possessive about her eggs!)

"I know I saw a piece of candy in here somewhere..."

"Where did it go?"

Happy Easter!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

12 --> 9.7 --> 7.6!!

So the numbers to the title of this posting might seem like a puzzle to you, the reader, and I honestly don't blame you for staring at them for a while trying to figure out what the "catch" is to the final solution. Well, the good news is that those numbers are and are not a math equation.

It does take a math equation, I suppose, to come up with these numbers but it also takes amazing skills on SG's parents, grandparents and caretakers to get these numbers. For those numbers represent an "average" of a 3 - 4 month time period of blood sugar readings (to put it in easy to understand terms). For a non-diabetic person you want your reading somewhere between 4-6 in a non-fasting blood sugar reading; however, for SG we are just happy to have anywhere below 12, which is where she was when she was diagnosed. (The longer at the high end of the spectrum the more long term effects she will have on the rest of her systems.) So upon receiving the wonderful news, that her A1C level (that's the average I mentioned before) had gone even lower from 9.7 at her last appointment to 7.6, I thought Dr.L and Mommy were going to cry. Mommy couldn't wait to call Daddy with this wonderful news.

Following our good news, we developed some new strategies to try and keep her levels from peaking and bottoming so much due to a toddler appetite lately (and the beautiful weather). Fortunately for SG, she will have the best diet of anyone in our household, for her doctor has restricted refined sugars (i.e., cakes, cookies, candy) for emergency situations only since these seem to be the main triggers for extreme highs into extreme lows no matter how we dose insulin. Dr.L also recommended a more organic/natural diet to avoid processed refined sugars. So needless to say, Mommy and SG had a little field trip to Whole Foods while in Birmingham. (Mommy didn't mind because it is one of her favorite grocery stores!)

On a non-medical note, we were so excited to celebrate Daddy's 30th birthday for almost an entire week. We spent some time with Mimi and Bobo over spring break, and Mommy and Daddy were treated to a night out on the town to the Schemerhorn Nashville Symphony Hall and a night in downtown Nashville. Needless to say Mommy and Daddy had a blast! Below are some of our pictures!

We also enjoyed getting our "fix" of motorcycle riding in the beautiful sunshine. We also took SG to the Nashville Zoo. She had so much fun! Pictures explain it all!

We are looking forward to Easter and her first true Easter Egg Hunt! (We have been practicing!) She is proving to be an excellent hunter! SG and Mommy look forward to a short trip to Atlanta and then a visit from Ama in a few weeks! We are also anticipating turning....2! (Time sure does fly!)

We cannot thank our readers enough for their unending prayer support over the, almost, last year! It sure has been quite a journey and each new day proves to be a new adventure only blessed by God!