Some of you may not realize but last week has a great significance on our lives as a family. Exactly one year ago, we put our sweet Samantha Grace's life in the hands of wonderful doctor's and nurses here at home and at our wonderful Children's Hospital upon the realization of a diagnosis of
Type I Diabetes. To mark the year of dramatic changes, I first thought I could compose a letter, but later thought that pictures do a much better job of explaining than I can do in words. Plus have you ever tried to write a letter to your child...not easy! So here in pictures are some of the journeys we have taken since May 8, 2009.
Almost 1 month prior to diagnosis.

Exactly one week prior to diagnosis.

Leaving PICU and heading to a regular room at Children's Hospital on day 3!

About 1 month after diagnosis in Nashville on the lake!

My first Braves game. September 2009.

Collecting rocks with
SG's Uncle Vance. October 2009.

Beach trip with
Bobo, Mimi, Mommy and Daddy. October 2009.

Tulip Fairy. Halloween 2009.

Thanksgiving 2009. Family Hike in Nashville.
Received our insulin pump. Such an answer to prayer!

Finger/Body painting at Mimi's. November 2009.

Christmas 2009. Only a day after being hospitalized with Type A & B Flu and a double ear infection.

Her favorite Christmas gift. Christmas 2009.

Learning all about
Skyping. January 2010.

Riding the carousel at the Nashville Zoo. March 2010.

First petting zoo experience at the Atlanta Zoo. April 2010.

Dress-up like Abby. April 2010.

Samantha Grace and her "big brothers". May 2, 2010.
After all this fun and dramatic physical changes in our little angel, when the day is said and done Samantha Grace is just plain...

wiped out.
"Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever." - Psalm 106:3