Many of us on a weekly, if not daily basis, receive stacks of credit card mailings or even phone calls notifying us that we have been approved for an amazing, beautiful and "free" credit card. This week we received many of those mailings and several of those polite offers; however, we so graciously turned each of these offers away with a polite, "No thank you," or a trip down shredder lane. Yet on the upside we did receive an offer this week that one, at least in our household, could not turn away...
We found out this past Wednesday that Samantha Grace had been approved to receive her insulin pump by the insurance company. I might add that this was completed after all the paperwork was complete and a doctor's visit made in what our case worker for Blue Cross stated,"Record time!" Less than one month has passed since our doctor's visit and only 4 days had passed since the receipt of the paper work to our insurance company. I have to say that a lot of this would not have happened without some God-sent angels to help us along the way with Blue Cross Insurance.
After getting the wonderful approval phone call, we set-up for the delivery of the pump, which will be next Wednesday. Following the delivery, we will set-up several Birmingham appointments to get her actually on the pump. We will also, at this point, make an appointment to see a pediatric eye doctor for precautionary measures that were stated in a previous posting.
We could not be more joyous over this fabulous news! The Lord provided at a time of much need, for Samantha Grace has had quite a week with her blood sugar levels running in the high range for a good portion of the week.
We covet all of your prayers as we journey through these next few phases. We also ask that you pray as Mommy and Samantha Grace travel to meet with one of our Congressman as an advocate for Juvenile Diabetes on Monday, September 28. Thank you again for all the prayers. Our God is so good!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
4 Month Update Full of Artistic Ability

Yesterday we marked some major milestones in our lives…Samantha Grace turned 17 months old yesterday. We also marked just over the 4 month mark of her Type I Diabetes diagnosis. Finally, the biggest news of all is that Samantha Grace’s A1C level (a level that marks, basically, whether or not a person’s blood sugar levels has been somewhat in “normal” range) has drastically changed for the better. We have moved from a score of over 11 down to a score 7.8!
Mommy was moved to tears at Samantha Grace’s doctor’s appointment. Her doctor was extremely moved as well. We all had a “group hug” moment to celebrate. SG has also grown almost 3 inches since her diagnosis. This is great! Dr. L, the bestest endocrinologist, was very impressed by SG’s new looks!
Dr. L gave Mommy and Daddy a HUGE round of applause for their hard work, lost sleep and unending love to helping Samantha Grace be as healthy as can be with diabetes. He said that without our dedication her A1C levels would not have changed this drastically in just 4 months.
On a more prayerful note…there were some concerns that Dr. L still had about SG. 1) Dr. L is still a little concerned about her weight gaining process. She has not gained any more weight in the past 1 ½ months. (I keep telling myself that she is just growing taller and leveling out in weight for a time.)
2) There are also some concerns about her depth perception abilities. She tends to struggle perceiving the depth of steps and has to “feel” her way a lot of times. Therefore, Dr. L has suggested that we see a pediatric ophthalmologist. It is possible that prior to her diagnosis that her sight might have been affected from drastic fluctuations in blood sugars.

Dr. L also gave us some awesome tips to help with the “stresses” that could be causing such fluctuations in blood sugar levels while at school.
Finally, we should have an insulin pump in our precious hands in less than 2 weeks! Once we get the pump in our hands, we will be setting up classes in Birmingham followed by some back-to-back doctor’s appointments in Birmingham. But as Dr. L put it today, “It will ALL be definitely worth it!”
On a lighter note…We were also able to enjoy some “Girl Time” while in Birmingham. Samantha Grace enjoyed playing dolls at Pottery Barn for Kids and entertaining all the employees while Mommy and Godmommy “shopped” for big girl bedding in the future. We later met up with Mary Austin for a scrumptious bite to eat. We all couldn’t decide if SG was more interested in eating or flirting with the waiters (quite a distraction). SG was also privileged enough to have the mayor of Birmingham hold the door for her on her way out of the restaurant. (Honestly, Mommy nor SG would have known it was him if Godmommy hadn’t pointed it out.)
Overall, today has been an awesome day! We could not be happier with SG’s progress. We do ask that you pray about the two concerns that were previously mentioned. We should be seeing an eye doctor around, hopefully, the same time we go for pump education classes. Thank you in advance for all your prayers and support!
P.S. Samantha Grace decided today to express her true inner artist by painting our hardwood floor, tile, kitchen and herself golden yellow. Following her painting activities, she explored the musical side of her artistic abilities at Kindermusik.

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